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Your Enforcer ✔

A member registered Feb 21, 2022

Recent community posts

Have you updated the game to 0.9.1?

Have you updated the game to 0.9.1?

''Dont want to install this kind of thing on my PC and phone directly''


Sorry, the game was just ported to the new engine, so, the old options might be missing.

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Well, as it was already mentioned before:

One of the characters was a child, even tho obviously she didn't have scenes with her, nor did she ever intend to. Steam chose to ignore the details.

In addition, the original incorrectly assigned tags to the game didn't help the situation.

These are mistakes of the past,  nothing can be done now, but to remember this experience and do everything correctly in the future.

The game won't be on STEAM, but GOG release is coming soon!

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No, and unfortunately never will.


Nope, Natsume doesn't have any scenes yet. And she will get something good in future updates ofc.

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It won't show anything specific, just a''ITCH.IO Purchase''

and transaction's number of your purchase.

Hentai Heaven

Translations are done by the community.

If someone wants to translate into a certain language and actually finishes the translation, it will be added to the game.

P.S Sorry for the long wait.
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Well, cheat codes are a bit useless now (because of the previous changes to skin system)

But here they are:

more = +5000¥
MacumbaEverywhere = Try this, trust me

P.S Sorry for the long wait.

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Well, not really. The game is not that complicated.
But anyway, the ''Choice hints'' option inside game's settings, might help you.

And make sure to join our Discord server, stuff pinned in #questions-and-wiki might be useful as well, there is a mini-walkthrough btw.

P.S Sorry for the long wait.

As of now, 0.9 is scheduled for the middle of May.

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Simply go back a little and replay the moment, but this time don't use time skip option.

There will be none.

You have to sleep with Asami, then with Yasuka.
(By clicking on the bed in your room, at night)

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Have you tried checking Hostess club/Coffee shop?
(Depends on the path you choose)

Because the bug you just described - doesn't exist.
(Or it haven't been found yet - but chances of that being true pretty slim at best.)

Well, No, unfortunately the game got banned on Steam, and will never appear there.

''How can I enter Sakuya's room?''

  • You have to come to the restaurant and work one shift there, then interact with Sakuya.

The difference is in the story, animations, etc.

It will be added in the next minor update, as always.

If not, try to find purchase receipt on your Email.

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If you have account -

If not - After purchasing the game, you should have a receipt on your email, it contains a permanent link to download the game.

If you don't have access to that email for some reason, try making a refund through support.

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Creating a virtual card might help, but you have to find such service yourself.

I'd recommend finding an acquaintance/friend outside of China, and have them buy you the game for you as a ''gift'' through

Demo(Free) version is one major update behind, and doesn't have animated sex scenes.

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...3 months for one update is not fast as hell - especially when the person is being paid to do so.

That's not how it works, lol.

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64k, really?

My guy, you probably should start taking those god damn pills....

Please, read the news every time before you write something like this.

Maybe you misunderstood me, I don't mean anything bad towards fan communities lol.

 I'm just saying that because of fact that RNG doesn't use Reddit often - This subreddit "appears" to be the official XD (or at least takes its place), yet no one from the staff controls it.

Basically, he meant rules.

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Big thing, If you ask me

Well, not official.

It's one-time purchase.
