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A member registered Nov 17, 2023 · View creator page →

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ya gotta listen to the customers, extra zest means extra orange peel, pat attention to the words

stop why you did the black screen pass out thing shit, it scared meand made me cry about the friendship shit. love is powerful and comes in all kinds

imagine if four has a humane form, yknow, body and stuff.
would hold hands with him

I'll try to achieve Four's love No matter how hard it is, so four will easily fell in love with the higher ups? sounds like a assistant x boss thing lol

as much i hate four, for being an such ass for my bad flirting, i really want to date him if possible/hj or /srs, idk

the best part that i find amusing is the one with the manga, the tree reacts like how i showed my artist friends my latest drawing.

rika, the closet shy girl is literally in love with niini, an another girl

don't be sorry, bro.

henry is a cutie patootie.

(.     .)

love this game, it would be fun if we can add comments tho