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A member registered Nov 11, 2021

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Sad. But just know you have great potential for a game here ^^

I would really like to see you continue it if you ever feel like it


May I ask why? The start is great already

is this game made inspired by progress knight? I see similarities but don't want to assume. and if it did did you get the approval to make the game from the original?

is this game still going to be updated?

does someone has a tip on how to live enough time for galactic xp?

a very good game!
I love how you need to think what will benefit your build most and the play with the sensors.
I think there can be an improvment with the speed as I at least didn't understand why you need to spend points in it but as this game is abandoned I guess it will never happen.
thanks for the wonderful game!


how do you defeat yourself

here have my side account

not as good as my real one but still:



I am using browser and cant fight the boss it doesnt start it if I press the button

how do you fight the boss?


So... What do I do with them? I am very interested now 

hey. a question. how do I open the game?

I agree but I dont play much horror games. though it was something good for light horror for me so I do love it

what do you mean its totally winnable just cheat the code

what is  the red arrow?

it doesn't work for me :(

how do I continue

oh and I love the game, I would like to give a couple of ideas if you would like but I dont think it really needs anything. a simple and good game really

hi just wanted to report a bug, I was able to make the server load permanently 0

here is the code


nvm, research is the money per second you can speand I think

how does research work and what does it do? its a good game btw

I plan on joining the partreon soon, it will be my first time joining a patreon too, I am not sure how soon but the fact that you answered is calming me about it so I think pretty soon

now that htere is a place where you wrote no story I will search for the story with all of my heart and if I wont find a path I will make one!

how slow are we talking? I saw the demo was last updated in 2021, I am planning on buting the patreon soon but I want to know how much changed first

I really hope the game isn't abandoned

Is this still getting updates?

is this game still getting updates?

can you explain to me how you get it what are the requirments?


how does intrest rate work? It shows me zero

does it have multiple endings?

never mind the mother of all curses is just too weak

its an excellent game, I just have to tell you that mother of all curses doesnt work

it worked!

I cant play this for some reason but I think the idea is cool, I hope I can play it later, sometimes it works a hour later for some reason

right schlauewurst! schlauewurst need to be more understanding

oh thanks