Sorry for the late reply.
This should be the Update #2 Final version. If it is not, let me know. That is the current/latest version that is out. You can always check our Patreon page for the latest public release, even if you're not a patron. :)
The game is still in development, and content is being added in each update. The plan is the game will be long and involved with many explicit scenes with many different characters. Right now, Apartment 96 has about one chapter done out of perhaps twenty. We ask for your patience as we work on this and expand things. All three of us devs have "normal" jobs and normal lives and can't devote as much time to it as we want.
If you have maxed their points and there are no more hints on the phone, then you have completed pretty much all the content that is in the current update. The new update should be out in the next month or so.
Thank you for playing and your feedback. :)
Check your phone for hints (they should appear near the top of the phone screen). Each character has scenes in updates, but the game is still under development, so you can get to a point where you have completed all current events. Feel free to stop by our Discord and ask any specific questions. There's usually someone available to help. :)
In Update #1, you get 4 "work points" for each time you work. Each job has a deadline. The job will tell you it needs to be done by, for example, day 20. You can work three times a day. That's 12 points per day. If it is day 16 in the morning, that means you have 5 days to work if you work all the time to complete the job by the end of day 20, which means 60 (5 days * 3 times per day * 4 points) is the maximum you can do at that time.
It's best to start a job on Monday morning, as that refreshes the jobs, starts the week of rent, and usually the apartment is empty often on Mondays and Tuesdays.
Unfortunately not. I apologize for not putting it in the update information. It's still too early and I forgot my coffee.
We can't provide saves or anything from the Prologue as each time the Prologue is played, different decisions give the player different amount of character points at the end of the Prologue and beginning of Update #1. This is a result of the game adding many variables that happen in the Prologue, such as who you talk to and what actions you take. We apologize for this, and it will not happen again in the game.
You can forward through the Prologue with the skip function within a few minutes.
Thank you for the input. There is some more information on F95, but suffice it to say things were slightly changed in the prologue. However, there is a reason that a particular someone, and not the MC, is pushing for speed.
More will be revealed in updates. Next one is out February 5th on F95 and