The interface is so cool!! I love the color very much. This henchperson did a very good job lolol. Everything is so nice, I might play it again just to talk with the boss the same way over and over xD You did a very great job, thank you for the game!
Recent community posts
That one ending, hehe. I also like the whole point of the setting and story in addition to this friends(or acquaintances) to enemies to- 's trope. When I thought of it again, the story is quite long in my feeling, we got the backstory and they got to sort out feelings. You made good use of those under 1k words, good job! (Also there are so many expressions of Zev, I love that.)
Nice character's design! And do I read too much into his clothes because I already imagine how their society would look like haha (added it to what he told about their lifestyle). Would love for you to show more of the lore (if there's any opportunity) though I already want to thank for sharing this story with us. Great job.
I love the music, for me it kind of went well with the time limit, and I like the way we are facing with Eliot. Is it alright to have sympathy for him? I guess it is. Lastly, I was hoping a little bit that if we chose to name the bird 'Eliot' it would have a special dialogue but I'm also fine with the way things are! Good Job!
Finished three boys' routes (Quest, Toast and Xyx). I was skeptical of Xyx at first but did I fall in love with him? YES!
The voices of every character are so good and I'm still listening to the Blooming Panic's song (of all the casts) to this day (have been playing this game like, from 3 months ago) I'll get around to NO's route soon but I believe all of them are very loveable. (But please, how could you come up with these characters?? I still think of them from time to time, maybe it's because their age's range fit with me personally too 😭)
Yes, I definitely had finished the game, got all 6 CGS.
I meant to say that I love this trope and I like how Van was able to tell mc about their past lives^^ (Although I wish mc would remember some of it too, could they, maybe in the future? Or the dream thing is considered as remembering already?)
Thank you again for the game!
(May contains spoilers)
He's really adorable, and doesn't know that he is not one bit boring. And he has a good heart (the way he treats mc and Eden)! Of course I love him xD I want to hear you tell us more about him or the two brothers actually! Then I'll patiently wait for the update, definitely will play this again. *sending love and energy to the team*
The game is really cute. Asher, (He became one of my favorite VN's boys, no doubt!) his VA's voice suited his character so much, the laughter and emotions in it are absolutely adorable. I actually didn't expect these interactions but it's plenty of fun and swooning moments. The app's interface is nice, the chat's text is a bit small though. Thank you for the game!
I'm glad you decided to make the ending to be that way (shouldn't give out hard spoilers so everyone please play this through!). The plot is sweet although there's another moment too, it's understandable (and made overall seemed more heart-clenching). I have to say Van's design is so nice, he's really handsome and (his tattoos are) attractive! The music is also great!