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A member registered Feb 12, 2022 · View creator page →

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Same lol, I was expecting another chatroom romance VN but I love that I got so confused that I needed to do some coding stuff Xp

I love this game and everything but the endings feels like getting on a sweet slow carousel then blinking and you're suddenly on the smiler, all and all I genuinely hope this game improves in someway because I need zilas to have a good ending

Missed the maggots in ellen's warnings all I can say I want to burn my eyes off, totally my blind ass fault but holy fuck

VIP my section, Royalty-looking sexy

I honestly love this game, ive played this twice by now and I love the story and the dialogue is well written! literally one of my favs <3

(1 edit)

I need more of this cute man ToT he's so adorbs and such a sweetheart T-T ABSOLUTELY amazing storyline and art excited to see what day 3 has to offer <333

The twists certainly surprised me! like jaw dropped on the floor type of surprise xp 

133.4 secs very interesting game loved it :3