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A member registered Sep 05, 2024 · View creator page →

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Me seeing Khywae uploading the sequel:

Me during:

Update again: now I'm crying thank you it was so beautiful and so freaking wholesome--...have a wonderful new years-! 

Can’t wait to dive into this on New Year’s Eve or sooner! Since LnD is updating, this is perfect to keep me busy while I wait. Happy holidays and a belated birthday to you, Khywae! Hope you had an amazing time celebrating both! 

(Yes, the universe definitely wants you to chill and take it easy—don’t overwork yourself!) Whatever you decide, I hope it keeps your creativity alive and thriving. Good luck with the music, too! 

Thank you for creating something so enjoyable, and I’m so happy you’ve gained so many wonderful things from this journey. Wishing you an amazing New Year and looking forward to what you create next. Enjoy your well-deserved rest! 

Much love,  

Yummin20 ❤️

Thanks for sharing this, Khywae! It's amazing to see how much heart and effort you put into your work. The Heian-era inspiration sounds so cool, and I can't wait to see what's next. Please don’t overwork yourself—your health comes first! We’ll always support you and your projects!

 I just logged on to see this wonderful update!!  I didn't even start and im

frfr that's what i want too!!

lord I'm gonna faint when it happens! Much love for your amazing work 💕💕😭 I look forward to it!

Lovely game, I like the true ending.

(2 edits)

When Khywae drops a new game:

Thanks once again! 🩵 Love that we can pick different options!

Update: Well damn it I'm sad now- 

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Holly Molly I'm ready to play this!! Also-3P story with them?! Khywae I would literally 

Thanks once again for your amzing games!! 🩵💜 (So glad I got notified!)

(2 edits)

You know, I never thought I'd create an account on this website with my new computer, and this is the first game I've ever played on a computer with an actual good graphics card because I had a Chromebook before now. Glad this was my first! I appreciate the extensive use of story dialogue, and I find it fascinating to observe the perspectives of both the MC and Gojo. Their playful banter reminds memories of my past chats on, where I have my own bots. I just adore the story direction you chose, the intense erotic scenes, and the music overall! The only gripe that I really have with this game is that I can't really pause it. (It could be on my end since I haven't done it before..)However, I manage to understand the story because I've encountered similar narratives in other games. The illustrations are beautiful, and the soundtrack is amazing. Overall, 9/10 would bang—I mean, play again! (^^)d(^人^) (P.S I'M BUYING IN FULL! DAMN I LOVE IT! I will support all new games you will have the future (^з^)-☆)