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A member registered Jun 01, 2020 · View creator page →

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Barely not so on theme but a cool use of it, music and design clean and nice, fun effect with the furniture interactions (just want to break the glasses but it still cool), good and solid game! (waiting for a expansion, maybe?)

Awesome game, sprites are clean what is friendly cause its a top down shooter game, the controls and shoot speeds are very well balanced, i died many times on level 2 so i don't know if has an ending but, the random element with the room made the game more interest to explore each time you spawn in the islands, just a few problems with weapons what don't appears on my weapon list and enemies trapping in chests (for me is a feature cause its more easy to KILL ALL AND GET MONEY, but take out the collision between enemies and chests seems better). It would be really cool if it was finished with more enemies, weapons, island types and more, but at this point it's pretty cool!

The idea is good, recover many "hearts" to "be confident again" do the game matches to theme in a platformer solution, the controls are okay except by the gravity what feels a bit strange and the transitions between scenes is much slow, what make me accidentaly go in and out of the scenes and the camera go back to wrong one, at all is a cool game but needs more polish

Thanks for the feedback, the sleep has a black screen transition what you have to wait (just a tiny second), if its longer than that maybe you can try in google chrome, by others feedbacks i can see the game doesn't work well on other browsers that i cant test :/ PS: for sure i go check your game!

According to NickyBoyDK feedback testing the game just works well on chrome, firefox and edge seems doesn't work

First, thanks for the feedback, i just test the game directly on chrome because is "hand made" in purely JavaScript (insert a lot of pain and crying moans here), and the theme is at end. SPOILERS: You have to choose just one cat, the other will be abandoned

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Try the Embed Version or the Github - A Cat Shadow version from the game if the version what you test doesn't work, thats all i can do :/

Just the black one deserves to live >:) (also, which one you choose?)

The embed version is the one what i tested to, but, you can try the github version too if want to see the game Github - A Cat Shadow

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Thanks a lot for the feedback! The asset are made by my friend @oThesenhista

thanks for feedback!

First, thanks for the feedback! About the sounds, the volume in general is very low so maybe you just dont listen (or was not loaded, accurs to me with the cat sprites) but still not good at all (not at level of pixel art)

Really Beautiful! Controls work very well, cursor mechanics very cool and fun, music and arts in general really good!

There something like Cat Mario, the sprites are bad but the controls are barely decent and the idea is really cool!

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Im new here, so... I dont know how you get that windowned version buut maybe you should try the embed version of the game

The game loads, but cant move, even on fullscreen...

I just comment on game page but, here too...
It's pretty fun! Was not well polished, problems with collisions, restart (i know has the 'R' button but would be better restart every time he dies), sprites, etc, slimes on second arena dont do damage, boss bullets doest'n dissapear and some other things what if well done would make the game better, BUT STILL REALLY FUN to dodge and shoots!

It's pretty fun! Was not well polished, problems with collisions, restart (i know has the 'R' button but would be better restart every time he dies), sprites, etc, slimes on second arena dont do damage, boss bullets doest'n dissapear and some other things what if well done would make the game better, BUT STILL REALLY FUN to dodge and shoots!