Highscore : 820
ps: good music
Qeb ollj fp kbxo x yofadb (ccd shift 3)
I shoudn't be here lol
i've done better but i didn't record
ez game [1:08]
Can someone make a speedrun page on speedrun.com for this game?
i don't have discord...
ĸhźĥwÀſĪ2Á7ŒĆ3G÷Ŝ : nether portal
ŷŇ2ßCIJŹ51ÚOœB3KQŴ easy challenge
You cqn infinit pogo the boss to kill it in 3 seconds. Realy fun.
I dont know
kills you:
ur just dumb
the five lady secret boss is realy difficult but i finaly did it
flying frog go flyyyyyyyyyy