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A member registered 68 days ago · View creator page →

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Fun game, reminded me a bit of the good old days at the start of Spore.

Really enjoyable !

Gus doesn't seem motivated, but who would not in a cage ?

Still managed to extract the floorp

A funny game, I liked that it makes you plan on how big/small you want to be and when.

Thank you for the feeback ! We tried to implement this idea of "wait then rush", creating a frustration of waiting, then having to run to go through.

I tried to implement a pushing mechanic only possible with the big version of Farryn, but unfortunately I could never figure out how to handle the contact with the pushable rock while having the "growth/shrinking mechani" :'(

Thank you for trying it, the difficulty between waiting and then having to rush, that's what we tried to aim fro in level 2.

Haha, the tunnel can be a bit tight.

I maybe should have added a mechanic where you see that you die due to being crushed.

Thank you, It was Alice's first time doing Pixel Art, she was quite excited to work on it !