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Okay, so here are a few bugs that I found after playing this game for a while.
1. I cannot play the game through steam, and in order to run it I needed to open SteamLibrary>Steamapps>SlaveRPG manually via file explorer. Missing executable : slaveRPG_64.exe
2. If you 'encounter' an enemy while entering a city, no prompts will appear and your character will stay frozen in place.
3.There's an infinite ArenaPoints bug that I encountered accidentally, when trying to repair my Lucille in Axle's Blacksmith, the ArenaPoints will go up instead of down.
4. While using the MedicalTent in FortBell Arena, after buying the service once the option you picked will stay open and will not cost any stamina to use, and you can still use it even after your HP reached Max.
5. Sometimes, when I use the Brothel the Text box under it will overlap
6. Last but not least, when trying to fight the deity, the Prompt will stay up even after entering the fight. Restarting doesnt work as it will do the same thing again if you try to start the battle, and I'm currently trapped here and cannot progress further down the storyline.