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A member registered Nov 04, 2018

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It's all good! Can you direct message me on Twitter? It says your dms are off still so I'm not able to message you馃槶

(1 edit)

Yeah, and it's not embarrassing at all! I just wish I was able to just send it to you directly though like on Steam 馃槶. I'll hit you up on twitter with it then, it's np! Also make sure to open your DMs on there so I can message you!

Hey, do you have a Twitter or Steam handle I can message you at? I'm more than happy to buy this game for you! Especially since I know how it feels to not be able to buy something you'd like to support at that age. Though unfortunately itch requires I have your email to gift it to you and I wouldn't want you to post that out in the open 馃槶)

Ah I see :( It hasn't crashed anytime before while saving up til now, unless I closed it while it was saving (which is very unlikely). I'll check out the Discord to see if anything might be able to be done though!

I keep getting "TypeError, Cannot read property 'name' of null" everytime I try to load my save data? I stopped playing right after the chapter where protag kept looking through Dimitri's photo album. I've tried switching to different versions and reinstalling through itch's app but it won't let me play anymore :(

This demo was really nice! I enjoyed all the characters in it a lot and can't wait to see it finished, you all did a good job in all aspects of the demo!