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Zac55 Studios

A member registered Mar 18, 2023 · View creator page →

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Are y’all talking about that part with all the text?


Oh my gosh, I don’t understand what’s happening. I need to play the game again.

What was the page, what did it look like? I’ll probably open my chrome browser to see what happened because I really don’t understand how that even happened.

(1 edit)

Thank you. I love your feedback, next time I will try to fix the resolution, and make the the player feel like they can actually change the game. Thanks so much. It’s really hard to make a game when you can’t spend a cent on it. But I won’t let that be an excuse for making a poor quality game. Again, thanks so much.

You didn't have to make it a .rar or an sb3 file. You could've just made it a downloadable HTML file using this:

By the way, good game ;)

The game may look like it needs work, so I added a plus version to polish it up just a little.

A time travel game with watches! Sequel also comes in the same page as original so download the first one first! Get The Game!

Umm.. I can maybe do it. If it's not too late. I'll do it for free just in case. I'll probably reply if I change my mind. 

Thanks for your honest opinion, I wanted it to be better too.

Il est probablement un peu trop tard pour répondre, mais le jeu concerne un gars (qui n'a pas de sexe, donc quel que soit le sexe du joueur) qui doit faire face à une montre qui n'est... pas normale. Cela plus le fait que le gars est mauvais dans son travail.

Now I can see how this game won! Good Job! Let's split the prize... Just Kidding! Keep it, and the good work!

Thanks for the feedback

I found the answer, you have to click several times to make it work, so sorry.

You have to click several times to get it working

This is the second complaint about this, I'm gonna play the game for a bit, and see what's going on

kinda rare i guess so let's just say... YOU'RE LUCKY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

well... that SHOULDN'T happen! I'll play the game! and try to calculate the chances of getting horror every time

The game is RANDOM kinda i guess. So if it only showed horror then... well... let's just say... IPROMISETHEREAREMOREOPTIONSPLEASEDON"TGETMADATMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But seriously, there are more than HORROR as an option.

It appears that the watch you were fixing wasn't your average watch but the owner had no idea, that plus the fact that you're bad at you job makes it even worse!

Thanks, that made me feel good. Also thanks for the feedback, I wanted it to be better too.