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Zak Makes Games

A member registered Nov 24, 2016 · View creator page →

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Can't wait to try this!

Thank you!

This is so charming! The MRMOTEXT illustrations look sick too

The game is getting a physical release in 2024. I've taken down the public PNP for now while the publisher and I decide if/how we want to make the PNP available going forward.

You can read more about the physical release here!


Played a little of this yesterday (and by that I mean beat all but the last level). It's super fun and polished! Congrats

This is great! Love the throw mag option. Feels like player acceleration could be a little faster. Currently getting hit a lot because it doesn't feel like I can start moving / change directions fast enough

Nice! Length feels pretty good to me for where it's at then . Gonna go back and give level 6 another shot 😁

This rules! I could see myself losing a lot of time to this, especially if the recursive mechanic gets used more as you go further in (actually requiring you to go back and fix your previous solutions a lot). Can I ask how many levels there are? Made it to world 6 so far.

That sounds cool!

This seems neat. Haven't been able to figure out how to gain 3 dice at once yet

Nice! Yeah it's already impressive how much you were able to do within the jam time so that makes sense

This looks amazing, great job! Is there any sort of auto-walk feature planned? I was hoping to play through but my old gamer hands can't really handle the repetitive clicking.

Thanks so much, glad you enjoyed it!

Gracias por las palabras simpaticas! No se cuando podria hacerlo, pero tengo algos ideas pequeñas para una expansion. Traducciones de las reglas estan posibles tambien, pero necesitaria ayuda con estas

This is really fun, good job!

lmao that's brilliant

(1 edit)

Realizing now that you can get yourself stuck because "+5" and "OPPOSITE" can't be applied to the same suit. Bummer cause it feels kind of bad and hard to plan for (and disincentivizes getting creative with rules). If I could do "FOFO IS KEKE IS OPPOSITE *AND* +5" it could work, but I imagine "AND" would be hard to add as a separate card (what would "BABA IS KEKE AND FOFO" do lol). Maybe just code in that if "OPPOSITE" and "+5" are stacked it reads as "OPPOSITE AND +5"? Maybe that would be too strong in the early game.

This makes me feel so smart and so dumb at the same time. 11/10

Oh I don't remember. It was a couple of rounds after I saw my first captain. I think my score was somewhere in the 10-20 pts range

Was finally able to live long enough to summon all the creatures. How many different enemy types are there? The furthest I've made it is the captain of war.

This rules!

Can't wait!

Beautiful! Took me a really long time to realize I needed to die on the rock in the first level, but in a good way.

God I've been wishing there was an easy way to practice parrying Kragg down-b for EVER. This is amazing! Thanks for sharing this.

This rules

This is really cool! I love how clever things get with the different colors/goal spaces/fruit effects. Feels like I really rich foundation for a fully fledged game if you wanted to pursue it!

Great job this is really good!

Really cool set of puzzle boxes! The levels in the demo are already so polished and intricate, I can't believe there are so many different ones planned for / included in the full version. 

Finally got 120! Such a great little game. Lots of variety considering there are only 3 types of tiles.

Really fun and polished looking! Dying feels kind of frustrating which could maybe be helped by clearer hit indicators / enemy attack telegraphing. But overall really good! It's surprisingly replayable with only a handful of guns / enemy types

This rules!

Thanks for playing, glad you're enjoying it!

Thanks so much! 

I haven't tested it with young children but I would think ages 10+ should be fine, maybe even a little younger. If you try it with younger players let me know how it goes!

This game is evil. 10/10

Here's the BGG link!

Good to know there's interest in an expansion. That's definitely a possibility!

Thanks for playing! Card sized rules & player aid are a good idea. I'll give that a look once I have some time to revisit this.

To answer your rules questions:

Valley Guardian: Connected just means spaces that touch each other in a group. For the purposes of Valley Guardian, only mountains separate the groups.

Close Neighbors: This scores in square number increments (so, 1/4/9/16/25). You're right that it's probably not worth it if your biggest square is only 3x3, but a 5x5 can be very juicy.

Land of Plenty: You do lose 10 points for this one, yes.

Super fun! It would be nice to have an end game screen that tells you how many of each plant you had and how happy they all were once the table fills up, but overall it works great!

Here's my highscore:

Just played a couple of round of this with my wife and we were dying laughing. Our fav mode was no net but with the goal scoring.