I would like the ability to set a specific number, but as a general concept i would say that there are too few large buildings. Thanks again
A member registered Dec 06, 2021
Recent community posts
Hey, this is amazing work. Two ideas for useful additions if you'd like to hear them: the ability to 1. change the number of large buildings in the town, 2. add landmarks like your medieval city generator. This is because I'd like to use these maps for dungeons and dragons and label locations of interest like taverns, blacksmiths, seamstresses, etc
This is pretty sick man. Nice job putting all of it together. I downloaded the files and I'm running MurlocClassic.exe but I can't force the application into fullscreen. Alt+enter and going into the application's properties doesn't work. Any idea how to play it in a window that isn't a fifth of the size of my screen? thanks bro