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A member registered Oct 21, 2020 · View creator page →

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Hi, thank you for playing the game and congrats on making it to the boss level! You're correct that you can't damage the boss at all. However, if you explore around the boss arena a little more you might find the reason why that's the case ;)

Thanks for the feedback! Yeah, someone else posted a comment about sliding off the platforms easily as well. Will definitely make sure to playtest levels more in future games.

Definitely enjoyed playing this one quite a bit. Very polished, the graphics and 3D models are amazing! Nice job!

You interpreted the theme really well. The idea was really creative, and the execution was amazing! However I thought it was pretty challenging, perhaps a little too challenging for a platformer. Maybe add some more checkpoints? Other than that, great work!

Thanks for your feedback, appreciate it!

A very simple yet fun game! Runs very smoothly on my browser, didn't have any issues with it. Well done!

Pretty fun game! Loved the customization, and I thought it was very helpful to include the control scheme at the beginning of the level. Great job!

This was a pretty fun game, thought the idea was very creative! I found the fourth level (one with the pillars) to be quite a step up in difficulty from the third level, but that's really my only complaint. Great work!