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A member registered 63 days ago

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Apex Preds can be eaten

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I was experiencing this same issue. Have you beaten 2 pred mode post-update? This is what did the trick for me.

Ghost also specifically mentioned that both main preds need to still be alive (can't have 1 eat the other or eat 1 yourself) when completing it

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Yeah, if 2 (normal sized or bigger) students are swallowed after you are. I don't particularly mind it, because I imagine Ligeska pushing her existing prey deeper inside her guts as she swallows others lol

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Hey Ghost :) just wanted to share feedback:

I played through nightmare double pred mode and I LOVE it! This is my favorite update since you first released the game (from 1 to 4 available preds) and the most replayable.

The sheer chaos of 2 hungry preds chasing +10 students is incredibly fun, dynamic, and immersive. The change of student preds being hungry in nightmare, not just the main preds, is fantastic as well. It's very funny with the easter egg you included.
I do miss when they would move towards you to swallow you, though, it seems like they don't do this anymore.

What's interesting is the combination of hungry preds and many students inadvertently gives a player a really good change of spectating, even after being digested, since the preds will continue to hunt and swallow prey. Since bones aren't spit up when preds are digesting, and they are spit up only 1 or 2 at a time afterwards (if they haven't already found and swallowed someone new), spectating can happen for as long as 10 minutes on average! This is incredible.
As a side note, this is the only time I can really get a close look at Ligeska, with the 360 rotational camera, and appreciate the work you did with her model as she swallows more students.

Possible Bugs?
Speaking of Ligeska, it seems when she swallows 3.0 total units of students (if 1 normal student = 1.0 unit) after swallowing the player, the player immediately dies. I was curious if this was intentional, I believe I first noticed it as far back as Ligeska has been around.

When Ligeska spits out Tulpy, it seems like her model gets stuck in the air, about 2 feet higher than Ligeska's head. This makes Tulpy immobile (still swallowable though, which Ligeska immediately does after recovering).

Finally, when a pred swallows someone that swallowed someone (inception), the 2 prey are then treated as if they were swallowed separately. For example, say the player was swallowed by a student pred, then the student pred is swallowed by a main pred. if the player struggles and escapes, they're completely free. This seems difficult to implement, as it requires tracking 2 separate instances of digestion. Plus, escaping from one belly, only to end up inside another may be hard to represent visually and just feel punishing from a gameplay perspective, so I can understand why it's not this way.

Thank you for reading my feedback and for the updates to this game, I really do enjoy it :)

No worries, you didn't mention a book being needed in the development log so I was just double checking!

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I beat random 2 pred mode on the newest update (played as Satie, Bella and Ligeska were preds) and unlocked its nightmare mode :) no book is required.

Appreciate all that you do

Hello Ghost :)

I've beaten two random mode, even after the update, but I don't see an option for nightmare. Is there a book I'm supposed to find, like the rest? Thanks!

I'm not sure, I've completed nightmare with all predators prior to the update, surprised it's not Tulpy's. My guess is Ligeska's nightmare? 

You can play as Tulpy now! Awesome update

I don't mind the current mechanics, since I understand that you aren't supposed to be caught, but I'm curious what you have in mind!

I've tried her nightmare few times now. Ligeska has a slower 'neutral' speed, but like all predators, she can outrun you on an empty stomach. You can use the other 2 students as bait, but she'll STILL chase you, and she'll digest her prey quickly.

Her being silent and excellent at hunting prey makes it difficult, it's been harder than Satie's nightmare for me

Hello Ghost =)

I like your profile photo of Satie. Would you mind sharing it, please?

It's both difficult and some luck is required

I like this change too! It makes the 2 random pred mode more fun

Well done. Yeah, hardest nightmare map for me so far. I have a feeling Ligeska's will be even harder though

Awesome, thanks Ghost!

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There's 2 major things I did:

1. Reset until you have Ligeska as a student pred with you (assuming you beat Ligeska's regular map already). When Ligeska is swallowed by Satie, Satie is unable to swallow anyone else, letting you do what you want for a short time. Keep in mind you have to be aware of if Ligeska is either spit out (a distinct audio cue) or instead digested. 
    As a result, if you explore where Ligeska is going, you'll be safe, as long as you make sure Satie sees her first.

2. Utilize key dropping. Find a room you can hide in (classroom, bathroom, etc.), stand outside it and drop a key.

     If Satie doesn't come running, you know she isn't around and you're generally safe. You can run around, explore, and open doors.

     If she DOES come running, go hide in the room. She'll run up to the source of the noise (the key), then be on her way. This lets you keep track of her location to proceed accordingly.

Just stay patient. Hope this helps.

Yes, and it still happens

It happens maybe 60% of the time, and it seems heavily dependent on your spawn point. It's also possible to spawn halfway into another student's spawn point.

Like it was mentioned before, if you just died as satie and start a new game, it will still show (you died) on the screen. It goes away maybe after 4 to 5 restarts.

it's surprising, since normal Ligeska has basically max stomach volume

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EDIT: student pred ligeska CAN eat Satie. Tried it again after Ghost provided numbers =)

I've tested trying to get pred students to eat me too, only seems to happen if you're the student. I've even tried as Satie (the next biggest after a student) with Ligeska (highest stomach capacity).

You have to beat her on nightmare

There's a bug when playing as Satie.

When starting the map, you're unable to move at all (can still look around, kneel, and walk/ run in place). Footsteps don't make a sound when this happens.

It seems to occur with only certain spawn points.

As a reference, I'm playing the latest update (Nerfs).

Finally did it!

Now I have incentive to win. Thanks for the advice!

Thank you for your response! I appreciate all that you do for this game, take some well-deserved time for yourself.

Awesome job. Satie gave me the most trouble, even on normal. Do you have any tips for beating her nightmare mode? Did you receive any reward?

Your thoughts resonate with my own. Thanks for sharing!

Once you find the exit key (labeled 'exit'), there's a set of double doors on the main floor, by the security room. Use the key on that door and you win.

They actually can eat you, it has happened to me twice. It takes a lot of time for them to be hungry, though.

From my experience, it appears to be randomized and locked behind a chain of closed doors, much like the exit key.

Hello Ghost!

Your game is fantastic. I played the demo since about 3 weeks ago and am excited to have purchased the full game.  I've been keeping a close eye on this page for updates!

My favorite predators are of course Bella and Ligeska. Bella is naturally very beginner friendly with the apple mechanic. I like that they aren't fast and of course can swallow multiple prey. I know Ligeska has a mechanic wherein students may reveal your location to her, I'm curious how it works.  Do all the predators have weight gain like Bella?

My least favorite was Satie due to her high speed. She was the hardest predator for me, which made her not feel as fun as the others.

Nightmare mode is truly a challenge, but I wish it included more than 2 other starting students since I love how the predators actually chase anyone on sight. More students, more prey, more fun. 

So far I can play as Bella. Besides the novelty of it, is there any benefit to swallowing another student? I understand she has high volume which increases her resistances to digestion while swallowed. I enjoy playing with the predators as fellow students and was pleasantly surprised when one swallowed me. The sadistic side of me wishes they would get hungrier quicker and maybe even act on their hunger (rather than me having to be next to them).

I understand you mentioned being done with updates for now. I am grateful for your past bi-weekly schedule of releasing updates. I think this game would benefit even more with a 'sandbox' mode, allowing the player to customize the level, such as:

  •   starting number of students
  • number of predators
  • stat adjustments (movement speed, digestion rate, etc)

Those are just some  basic examples.

Thank you for taking the time to read my feedback, I look forward to what you do. All the best.