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A member registered May 29, 2024

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that’s great to hear

hey chainsaw, it seems in your comments you’re doing better. I hope that is true.

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Nice God of war reference, my boy and if you believe in the theory  that N is a zoroark then he can probably be a chick

that’s good to hear

hey chainsaw, how are you doing?

Happy Pokémon day to everyone as well especially to you chainsaw

that’s a good attitude one step at a time

soul chainsaw since this is the final day of your three week long break how are you feeling?

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good to hear, but don’t be ashamed if you have to do smaller updates if you wanna keep working on this game like I think everyone will understand if you just do like two mon and like two humans are no sightings. Everyone would understand we would prefer everyone would be fine with waiting for those smaller updates and longer breaks

And you’re also still on your break so just think about it

It’s a decent idea, but knowing who chainsaw is I don’t think he would go for this

discord surfer forgot about it

I know you probably don’t take suggestions, but I do have like a funny idea for the ending of this game if you wanna hear it, but if you don’t, that’s fine

So how is this game gonna be played? Is it gonna be a new character a male I will miss kobayashi become a futa and fuck all the girls is ever one of the male characters in the original anime, gonna become female and most likely they’re all gonna be the right age to be fucked but that’s still quite small cast. Will you have like one of new dragon characters just showing up once to get fucked or is it gonna be in a type of dating Sim for every single character? I’m just wondering how this game is gonna play and how it’s gonna taste in a way.

hey chainsaw, I think I may have a way for you to keep doing updates even with this life-changing problem The simple answer is to do smaller updates with longer breaks right now you’re doing a three week break. In my opinion that should be maybe the standard and maybe the next couple updates should be smaller maybe three main mon the girls that go with them and like two side scene and that’s it like for the next update you could just do the genies and leave the three dragons for the next update after that.

 To condense this the point I’m trying to make is that you should start doing smaller updates with less work involved so you can have way more time to deal with this problem and get used to it and either that this problem somehow gets fixed even though it’s probably not all you get way more used to it then you can go back to the original update plan. 

You could not do this is your choice and this is your problem, but I feel like this will ease the burden a little and I think everyone will be fine with it.

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Oh, right, I forgot about that honestly I just forgot about that. Maybe I just wanted to finish this so yeah it does bring down the total, but it’s not that big of a deal.

Mc children counter

So we all know that the MC has a lot of kids over all the different chapters so I decided to see how many he exactly had but before we get into the numbers, I need to explain the things I'm gonna be counting. First of all all the legendary, including sub and mythical will all be in one category. I'm also counting every human he is impregnated. And the third final category it's gonna be all the regular Pokémon he has. Now we need to figure out how many kids he could have an each pregnancy. The amount of children gives someone is between 10 to 15. The only Pokémon we know for a fact of how many kids they had is Pikachu having 12. When you take those two numbers the average would be 13. But that's not what I'm gonna just be using. I like numbers so for each chapter, I will be giving you the lease maximum and average for the kids. I also should just say if any of the girls get pregnant again then they will be counted again. Also, I'm not counting famboys unless somehow the MC impregnate them.

Chapter 1

legendary: Articuno, Zapdos, Moitres, Mewtwo, New: minimum number: 50 average number: 65 maximum number: 75

Girls: Maple, Agatha, Daisy Oak, Lorelei, Misty, Sabrina, Erika: minimum number: 70 average number: 91 maximum number: 105

Pokémon: Pikachu, Arcanine, Charizard, Snorlax, Lapras, Diglett, Vaporeon, Dragonite: minimum number: 82 average number: 103 maximum number: 117

Overall, minimum number: 202 average number: 259 maximum number: 297

So when I was doing this, I decided to look up some things just make it more intriguing so it's not just numbers. I found out the world record of the most babies bone at once was nine so even on the low spectrum of the MC's kids he beat the record. So that's something to say.

Chapter 2

legendary: Raikou, Entei, Suicune, Lugia, Ho-Oh, Celebi: minimum number: 60 average number: 78 maximum number: 90

Girls: Clair, Janine, Jasmine, Karen, Lyra, Whitney: minimum number: 60 average number: 78 maximum number: 90

Pokémon: Feraligatr, Miltank, Qwilfish, Poliwhirl, Seaqueen, Magikarp: minimum number: 60 average 78 number: maximum number: 90

Overall minimum number: 180 average number: 234 maximum number: 270

With these numbers, it's hard to believe that the girls in the MC's hometown found condoms strong enough to stop his baby batter either they were using body bags as condoms or they made a Eldridge deal with the unknown king to get those condoms because no natural condom can stop that much cream

Chapter 3

legendary: Regirock, Regice, Registeel, Latios, Latias, Kyogre, Groudon, Rayquaza, Jirachi, Deoxys: minimum number: 100 average number: 130 maximum number: 150

Girls: Shelly, Flannery, Glacia, Liza, Courtney, May, Pheobe, Roxanne, Winona, Maple: minimum number: 100 average number: 130 maximum number: 150

Pokémon: minimum number: 0 average number: 0 maximum number: 0

Overall minimum number: 200 average number: 260 maximum number: 300

Valentina vassilyev is the world record holder for the most children breath in her lifetime clocking around 69 nice. And the fact that the MC has so many more kids than this world record holder is impressive. And like the MC can get up to that number in like five fucks.

Chapter 4

legendary: Mesprit, Uxie, Azelf, Heatran, Regigigas, Cresselia, Dialga, Palkia, Giratina, Manaphy, Darkrai, Shaymin, Arceus, Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Mewtwo, Mew: minimum number:  180 average number: 234 maximum number: 270

Girls: Bertha, Candice, Cheryl, Cynthia, Dawn, Fantina, Jupiter, Mars, Gardenia, Marley, Maylene: minimum number: 110 average number: 143 maximum number: 165

Pokémon: Red Gyarados, Rampardos, Delibird: minimum number: 30 average number: 39 maximum number: 75

Overall minimum number: 320 average number: 416 maximum number: 510

Act the usual amount of a child support money is $430 dollars so even in chapter one the MC would probably have to sell all of his hogans and his entire body to science to even pay a month worth of child lucky are the girls like him.

Chapter 5

legendary: Cobalion, Terrakion, Virizion, Victini, Keldeo, Meloetta, Genesent: minimum number: 70 average number: 91 maximum number: 105

Girls: Bianca, Lenora, Rosa, Roxie, Shauntal, Erika, Misty, Sabrina, Clair, Janine, Jasmine, Whitney: minimum number: 120 average number: 133 maximum number: 180

Pokémon: minimum number: 0 average number: 0 maximum number: 0

Overall minimum number: 190 average number: 224 maximum number: 285

Jonathan Jacob Meijer is the world record holder for the man that has the most kids in the world clocking around 1000 kids that's Ludacris but the MC is the evolved form of this man.

now we know the exact numbers of every chapter of his kids now what I need to do is just put them all together to see the true scale of how many babies he has and the worst thing of this, he will have more kids and I mean a lot more, but let's figure out the ones he has now

total minimum number: 1092 total average number: 1393 total maximum number: 1663

I just realize something so we all know that blue picks the starter that strong against red starter, right and blue had Charizard so that means red has a Venusaur that means he picked Bulbasaur in the beginning. 

Go ahead, my dude take as long as you need

good to hear because let’s be honest. She’s gone for way too much to fall to something like this. Keep on doing good work my man this game‘s gonna be great.

have a question mostly about the ending you don’t need it. Tell me much about it, but it won’t end up with Maya being a crazy sex slave, right like they get a happy ending 

good to no

hey chainsaw, just questioning here. You’re still gonna do your two week break right? You usually do that when you release a new update to chill out and not to burn out. And if you are this time can be you trying to figure out how to live with this problem. Because the way you speak of it, it’s not going anywhere anytime soon.  

I know I know doesn’t matter how long it takes for you to adjust to this change. We can wait. The only thing I really care about is if you’re gonna be fine.

For everyone that hasn’t heard yet chainsaw has a real life problem that has made him drop the story we don’t know the details. All we know is that something is making it hard for him to write right now. So this game has been put on hiatus maybe one day when something gets better he may get back to this game.

Chainsaw just let me say this once take as much time as you need to focus on your real life matters even if an update takes an entire year to come out then we’ll be happy. If I update doesn’t happen for whole year then we’ll be fine just focusing yourself. All of us will be fine and if you need to take hiatus to deal with this real life problem, then go ahead we’ll still be here when you get back.

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like I keep saying great chapter chainsaw don’t worry about the glitches. It’s fine for you to miss these things because I just see that it’s something common that happens to craters when they’re working on something for so long they just kind of miss the small things.  

I’m also doing that pregnant counter soon you know figure out how many kids the MC has that’s gonna be a thing

Great update my dude, but I found something weird during the Leavanny and Scolipede. Part of Virizion when you select the climbing gear it just crashes.

everyone it’s here the update

Since someone already has done the chainsaw check for this week I wanna ask simply how far along are you in your play testing. Like if you have to give a rough time where you think you’re ready to post it like in the middle of next week or after the next week


that makes sense, but I also was thinking about the sword of justice because they have swords

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good to know but I also wanna ask what other legendary’s in the future will be futa

when you get to Terapagos will she be a futa because the one in game will always be male

just did it yesterday scroll down a little

kind of like that

thank you

I think I have an idea of what type of game I wanna make in this style originally it was gonna be a Godzilla game, but that would be too complicated for my first then I thought about Subnautica game, but no, I think I figured it out. It will be known as dungeon fucker I haven’t gotten everything done yet, but that will be its name

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if I have to guess it’s next week

no, actually I’m counting every time he impregnate someone that counts all the side scene Pokémon like Feraligatr

oh my God, this is a dream come true