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Zap Forge

A member registered May 01, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you for such a great comment :) I'm so glad you are enjoying FORGE and hope that you do get years of play out of it! 

Hell yeah \,,/

Legendary, as always!

Hi, thank you for that! I've had my head in the books (literally) for the last few weeks, seeing what I can do. Unfortunately, reformatting the A5 version proved to be very difficult and time consuming, also I didn't like how we were going to lose the two-page spread layout for the wilderness/dungeon/etc. sections.

I know that the A4 version is quite large, so as a compromise I will be offering a 7x10" version (tablet sized) in both paperback and hardcover that is more portable than A4 and much easier on the eye than the A5 version. I will still be offering the A5 version as a mini-travel version, because I know a lot of people didn't mind the text size and wanted a very small book for their solo kits etc.

I have to say though, the 7x10" one is currently my favourite size, and the one I'm personally using.

The last round of proofs should be arriving with me in a week or so, at which point I'll update the links above. 

Regarding a spiral bound version, I haven't made any plans for one of those, but I could look into it in the future at some point.

Many thanks again and I hope that you enjoy playing!

Yes, I am waiting on the last (hopefully) round of print proofs from Amazon now. I expect that to take a week or so, then I'll update everyone here!

Very kind, thank you! I hope you get loads of good use out of it! 

Let me know how your game goes! 

Thanks for your comment!

Thank you!

Yes, that is my plan! I'll update everyone here once I've received the proofs and given it the OK

Hi there! If you mean, can you create your own TTRPG using mechanics etc. from FORGE? Yes, FORGE is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0, so you may use it as long as you give appropriate credit :) 

I hope I understood you correctly, if not let me know! 

(1 edit)

I actually made the Knave 1e character sheet for Roll20 back in lockdown! Unfortunately I no longer have a pro membership either, since I rarely play on there anymore. 

There are several good online FORGE character sheets floating around on the discord - both Google Sheets and form fillable pdf variants. These might be a good alternative for the time being? :)

(Apologies for the very belated response, I've been quite busy recently!)

Thank you for your kind words :) I hope you get some good use out of FORGE!

Hi again :) A Sci-Fi variant of FORGE is definitely on my long list of future projects. Most recently I have been working on the Cyberpunk version. I also intend to do a Post Apoc variant, however all of these will take some time! 

The next upcoming release for FORGE will be the 'Anniversary Edition' - this will include new cover art and all internal AI generated images are replaced with art by Chaoclypse. It also has the separate Paragon Rules rolled into the same book.

Hi there! Sorry I've taken so long to respond to you, I expect that you've already house ruled something of your own in by now? The way casting works with FORGE is really more like a mana system than spell slots (in the 5e sense anyway, with individual slots per level). E.g. a 6th level caster with 6 'casts per day' would be able to cast the same spell 6 times if they wanted to, before being spent until they rest. 

I did initially try to implement a more involved mana system, with higher circle/level spells having more of a cost, but it became a little bit convoluted and straying from the simplistic design goals.

Roll to cast should fit in fairly easily. I would roll d20 +relevant attribute check bonus against 10+ the spell level to cast successfully. Nothing to stop you incorporating the crit results straight from shadowdark either, if you like those, or you could roll a random event where it is automatically assigned a positive or negative spin, depending on whether it was a nat 20 or 1!  

Let me know how you got on! :)

Hi there! Sorry for taking a while to get back to you.. I really appreciate your support! It's a shame that some people think that way, it really isn't my intention to take advantage of people using AI art - I'm trying to give something to the community for free, so quite the opposite! I regret the fact that I needed to use it, but I hadn't dreamed that FORGE would be as popular as it is.

So yes, I really do want to replace all of the artwork, and that is the goal. At the moment Chaoclypse has finished a replacement cover image that has an awesome Conan vibe, but I've still got to sort the remaining images throughout. I'll have a quick chat with him to see what the plan is, but I also quite like the idea of community submissions (as long as nobody thinks I'm trying to take advantage!! 😜)

Please feel free to contact me on discord if you wish to talk about this further. In the meantime, I really hope that you're enjoying playing with FORGE! 

Hi there! Thank you for the kind words. Yes, the very talented Chaoclypse is kindly creating alternative art for FORGE. 

I will make an update post to let everyone know when that is complete and what form it will take (once we've worked out the details).

Awesome to hear, thank you for commenting! I hope you get lots of good use out of it :)

It looks like you are using Samsung Notes too :) All of the sheets were originally hand drawn on my tablet in Samsung Notes, so I wonder if it has converted it back to SDOC from PDF? Very interesting!

If you want to make sure you don't accidentally erase the background, you can import as a PDF page template. This is how I play on my tablet. I guess this also means you can make mods to the sheets as you see fit, like I do :) 

Hey, thank you for your message! I hope you get some good use out of it :)

Brilliant! I look forward to hearing about your game. Best of luck with it! :)


Hi there, sorry for the belated response and thank you for the kind words. Let me know how you get on with your game! I hope you get some good use out of FORGE :)

I think I see you already asked this on the discord too.. apologies for not answering sooner!

Hi! I answered a question about this on the discord today - there is nothing to stop you from plugging the b/x magic system back in, with a bit of legwork it will work just fine.

Thank you!

Hi there! The above advice is great, and actually ties in nicely with an addon that I've been putting together that helps facilitate true solo play - Paragon Mode. Both systems essentially toughen up and increase the capabilities of a lone adventurer (or two) allowing you to throw more at them. 

The playtest for FORGE Paragon Mode is currently on the Discord, if you wanted to check it out. It is functionally similar to Scarlet Heroes, however more tuned for the FORGE primary/secondary attributes and (hopefully) simplifies some things. 

With regards to balancing encounters anyway, I suppose the normal response you will get is that OSR games are inherently unbalanced.. which isn't particularly helpful I know. I suppose you could say that a 1HD/1st Level enemy should be roughly equivalent to a 1st level Player Character, however that would also depend on the character's equipment and what capabilities the enemy had. I think it is important to remember that in OSR games it is generally not a good idea to try and go toe-to-toe with an enemy, as you would in more modern versions of D&D. Instead, you are encouraged to think outside the current combat engagement - can you use terrain/topple scenery/bypass the encounter with stealth or diplomacy? Ultimately it isn't as straightforward as you were hoping! 

I think you get a feel for it, the more encounters you play/GM. I have seen a group of 6 level 1 adventurers clear out an entire goblin/bugbear cave (30+ enemies) with clever use of poison on their food supplies... there will almost always be a way for the players to win if they come up with a good plan!

Hi there streamlap, thank you for your interest and I apologise for taking such a long time to respond (for some reason I missed the notification that you had left a comment!) 

Do you mean 'Dungeon World'? That is a Powered by the Apocalypse (PBTA) style game, which is slightly different to a game based on D&D mechanics, like FORGE. PBTA games tend to lean more heavily into the fiction, and often run best with multiple players working together to interpret the emerging story. Personally, I find FORGE easier to play as a solo game than PBTA, as I benefit from the increased mechanical crunch as a scaffold to hang my story from. If you prefer a PBTA style game, I can recommend Ironsworn as an alternative to DW, as that is designed to be played solo.

(1 edit)

Hi there! I'm glad you're enjoying the game :)

With regards to your comments - the 'Weapon' and 'Armour' links are to the two nested tables within 'Magic Item' at the top of that page (I didn't necessarily need to put bookmarks to these, but decided that it was useful even for non-magic items discovered as treasure - e.g. the hyperlinks from the non-magic items on the table opposite). To save on space, it is the only table where the type of weapon or armour can be randomly determined. It would have potentially been clearer if I had included a separate weapon/armour table that both 'Magic Item' and 'Non-Magic Item' linked to, but space was at a premium! 

I do agree that 'Magic Item Effect' would benefit from having a bookmark, so I will include that in the next update to the pdf.

Thanks again!

(1 edit)

Hi there, thank you for the kind words.

With regards to the +10 and +5 to primary and secondary checks at 10th level, on average that relates to 80% and 55% chance to succeed against the default target of 15. 

If this were for a saving throw, it isn't too dissimilar to B/X which has saving throw chances between 50% and 70% for the average level 10 fighter (A level 10 dwarf would have a 90% chance to succeed a save vs death). 

Attack bonuses are largely similar too, a level 10 character with STR as primary (e.g. a fighter type) would have +10 to melee attacks, which is close to the base +7 of a B/X level 10 fighter. Similarly a level 10 thief, with STR secondary would have only +5 to melee attacks, identical to B/X. 

Skills-wise, a B/X level 10 thief would have an 85% (5/6 chance) to succeed at most thief-y things, this is pretty similar to having a level 10 DEX primary character in FORGE.

In general I find that characters in FORGE are ever so slightly stronger than their B/X counterparts, however not noticeably so.

In play testing, we have occasionally had a character make it to the higher echelons, at which point they are definitely expected to succeed at most of the things they attempt.. however I fully expect a Dragon or similar high level creature to make short work of them should they throw themselves into combat without proper planning!  :) 

Strange, it should be working. I've replaced it with a new link that has no expiry date, same link here: FORGE Discord

Let me know if you have any problems.

Thank you for your feedback. I appreciate that the restriction on carry capacity might not be everyone's cup of tea. 

Just going back to your point about a low level magic-user only being able to carry 2 or 3 spells - this is effectively similar to how many spells a magic user has access to in, e.g. OSE. They have only a single spell at level 1, 2 at level 2, 3 at level 3.. etc. Whilst RAW a FORGE magic-user could potentially have 3 runestones at level 1. Yes this would be at the expense of other gear, but the option is still available to them. 

Whilst I do agree that the rate at which you gain inventory slots as a magic-user increases more slowly than the max number of spells able to be memorised in OSE, the earlier availability of higher circle spells (e.g. 6th circle at level 6 instead of level 11) swings the balance quite considerably back in the magic-users favour. 

In any case, as I mentioned previously, please feel free to increase carry capacity to your preference. For example, using (STR check bonus + 15) inventory slots will give you more wiggle room at lower levels without breaking anything. 

I hope that helps.

Runestones and writs are one per spell. This is designed to be slightly restrictive - more in line with the low number of spells memorised by magic users and clerics in b/x d&d. At some point your character might well own several more runestones than they can carry, this means they will need to choose which ones to take with them (similar to memorising), or come up with ways to carry more, e.g. hiring a porter. 

Feel free to join us on the FORGE discord where we've talked about this, as well as many other topics. There are also options for increasing carry capacity if RAW feels too restrictive - everyone has different preferences!

The font used for the title is called 'IM Fell English', I really like it too!

Thank you, I'm so glad you like it! 

I currently have plans for a few different genres (cyberpunk, post-apoc, sci-fi) however they are still in their infancy! Stay tuned i guess :P

No problem at all!

(1 edit)

The book was originally written for A4, so the A5 format is a scaled down version (65% scaling) to fit within the POD margins. I'd say that it's perfectly readable, but perhaps this might enable you to make a judgement yourself (Full size A4 on the left, A5 on the right and ruler with centimeters along the bottom - zoom on a tablet or phone and match up the ruler with your own.. then you'll know exactly how the text will look): 

Hope that helps! :)

Thank you! I just love d6s :)

I'd love to hear how you get on if you do get a chance to play!

I did originally look into publishing with Amazon, however I have heard some negativity concerning print quality, it is also quite particular with regards to trim sizes, more expensive to print, and then Jeff also takes all the $ at the end! :P 

I'll give it another look now though and let you know.

Hi, thank you for your kind words :) 

You make a good point, and I will add something to that effect. 

I should have enough time to put that change in before the print release next week.

What a gem of a comment, thank you!

So, as a test run, i actually have a hardcopy of an earlier version. It came out really nicely, as you can see below. 

My plan is to organise the release version print run, figure out costs, then I'll put an update on here with info on how you guys can get hold of it!