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A member registered Aug 01, 2021

Recent community posts

There's a quest that says to find the hidden cheat menu, but I can't find it. Where is it?

Rather than good observation, I just have over 400 hours in dark souls; it would have been hard to miss. But yeah, my elation at recognizing the cathedral was sky-high. Btw, dark souls is over a decade old, so FromSoftware prolly won't care :)



but she can be seen crying after supposedly being harassed by that one girl

Kumanosugame, you have no idea how hard I started breathing when I saw an update. I hope all your problems with what's been happening for the last couple years are ok, and thank you for such a gem of a game.

BTW, if you put this on Steam, you can guarantee a purchase from me :)

Last update: 5 months ago

*visibly sweating*

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there is a dead-end scene where Ella kills you after you reveal the poison-tipped tenties, in which she says, "You had it all from the start." She knows what his power is, but MC has way higher potential than her.

I don't think that Demi could be 'infected' because they can sense each other (with the exception of what's-his-nuts because he messes with the mind). She(?) also appears to have trouble with all of the people attracted to her(?) while all of the 'infected' can control their abilities quite well. I think that it is an innate ability.

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Great to know that after all the shit you went through that this piece of art is getting finished! I would like to say more, but I'm not sure *what* exactly to say. How about I say 'Thank you'

if released on steam, I can purchase it there. Even $40 would be a fantastical deal for a finished version of this gem

btw seems like a new updoot comes out every 2 months or so, so see u all in march!

Copy/paseted from 0.75 changelog

What IS Demi's deal? She seems to have some kind of natural attractive aura to everyone regardless of gender, origin, or social standing. I can't seem to let my guard down when she(?) is around. Even during the h-scene, where 'they' clearly had a vag/no dick, I don't know if that is actually the case, or if she(?) can change depending on the partner's desires. Her interactions with other characters worries me and even MC seems to notice that something is clearly up with her. TLDR: Demi confuses/creeps the hell out of me

what IS Demi's deal? She seems to have some kind of natural attractive aura to everyone regardless of gender, origin, or social standing. I can't seem to let my guard down when she(?) is around. Even during the h-scene, where 'they' clearly had a vag/no dick, I don't know if that is actually the case, or if she(?) can change depending on the partner's desires. Her interactions with other characters worries me and even MC seems to notice that something is clearly up with her. TLDR: Demi confuses/creeps the hell out of me


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anyone know the updoot schedule?

no, 'compliment' is grammatically correct

thanks for the info! by the way where are you getting this?

by the way, does this game have a discord?

if the development log dates are to be trusted, then the new version should be coming out in a few day right?

i might have to make a Discord account for my throwaway email...

@Yosuba showed what's happening with the lack of updates; covid-19 have messed up a lot over the last 1.5 years and the stuff in Hong Kong isn't helping, so I really hope that the dev is okay. If there is any game on this site I am willing to pay for a full version, it is this one.

i really like this game. I hope it wasn't abandoned


all's good m8. Just wanted to know if the game was abandoned or something

been 17 days since the last updoot; has Scarlet Law been abandoned? I fuckin hope not because this story is really fuckin good compared to other Ren'py games

'blunt' is an understatement. I fuckin choked from the sudden inhalation of gasping while chewing, followed by me laughing at myself for falling out of my chair

congrats on making an MC with such a forward personality that i spit my fuckin pretzels less as soon as he mentioned what the 'suprise quiz' entailed.

currently, the last update was 43 days ago; u doin ok Delphinus?

i was agreeing with you until i saw the word 'feet'

any news of when the new version will come out for free for us broke bois?