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A member registered 41 days ago

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I've noticed that most of the enemies seem to 'sink' into the ground just a little when playing, but does not appear that way in the demo photos on this site.  The Game's still in development so I figured that would get fixed with coming updates.  Never though to ask about it.  This photo is one of the screenshots on this website's demo photos, I added in a screen shot of my game.  You can see the Drool Doggo in the game is sunken into the floor past her boot heels, but in the demo photo she's not. 

@Calcium Boxer

I'm probably the oldest bastard playing this game... Maybe not LMAO but I remember when Cartoon Network first launched and how epic Toonami was when it came about a few years later.  Kids these days with their streaming services and what not LMAO.  But appreciate you answering another one of my questions!

I use Discord for a few Steam Games, I'll have to scope out the Discord Server for it thank you for the heads up.  I don't use Instagram or X-Twitter so was only visiting this page.

I saw your other Post, you like Spider Momma lol.  What do you think of the updated design?  I like how bouncy she is in the GIF's of the Development Log, but I think the current version is cuter.

@Calcium Boxer

Thank you for the response, much appreciated it.  It's kind of what I was thinking it would be.  It really is a perfect Mod for the Furry Community, I hope it becomes HUGE.

And hearing the enemies are 'Sleeping' is a nice touch for this Mod.  Thinking about it the only blood in the game is from the buckets you blow up that splatters when shot.  Guess that's why the pistol and chaingun ammo is battery and not bullets.  Shotgun must be rubber shot lol.

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Looking at the development info you posted, adding extra attacks from the enemies was not expected and going to really add a ton to the game.  Making Spider Momma tougher will also be nice, in the test map she goes down pretty easily with any of the higher tier weapons.

Will their be an option for audio effects for the enemies in the game's future updates?  Gotta be cute screams of terror and death to keep screwing with my mind, mowing down all the cute enemies LMAO.

I hope you enjoy tweaking and updating this incredible Mod you have created.  I wish I had a popular channel to show gameplay footage so the community will get more people realizing it exist.  The youtube videos I have seen is what made me realize it existed!  Thank you for creating this, I hope your creation get's a good revenue stream coming in.

Finally I didn't even think when I posted the GIF of the Pistol Dog tied to the pole a week ago here, do you mind if I use your in game files for post only here?  I never post on any kind of media platform sites other artist work, so I do apologize for not asking for your own site first.  If you prefer others not to utilize the sprites I'll remove the gif and change my profile photo for this site. 

Just a general question for anybody who already knows any lure on Doom...  I've googled and can't really find any lure for the very old 1993 Doom game.  For the hanging enemies, I am guessing those are your allies since they are all in the Green Armor Daisy wears stock.  Are they just waiting to be gathered up, executed, starve to death, or be converted into a Demon?  Feels weird not being able to rescue them, with some older games when you would come across captured allies you could rescue them for points.

Also the green hair enemy pistol dog, she's tied up to a pole in parts of the game and you can see it in the test map as well.  What is the story behind that, you can't kill her in game she's just like the hanging people.  Seems weird after mowing down hundreds of pistol puppies without a second though, to see one tied up visible scared and struggling.  How dare the game mechanics toy with my emotions :-P

Gotta say I love the Cake Mod of this old game, I know it's been said but the sprite work is beautifully done.  So much character and expressions done with very small pixil art is dang impressive.

I adore the "Pistoldog" model myself, you can probably guess from my Icon LMAO.  Just slightly disturbing all the cute enemies I have to mow down to win the game.

I spent quite a bit of time trying to figure out what this sprite art was used for in the game... Finally found it, when she get's blasted back by an explosion this is the sprite used.

If you see this comment, thank you for making this Mod and I look forward to all the updates you have coming for it in the future.  It's perfection now.

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Oh man I hadn't though about doing that, thank you.  It worked beautifully, I changed my profile image to a different sprite of the "Pistoldog" Sprite ;-)

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This game is showing up in my Youtube Recommendations, and in the videos I've seen their is no actual gallery to view all the sprites for each character from the game.  The test map you can fight them, but I would like to see an in game screen to view the sprites and see a description of the 'Monsters' if possible.  I've never played Doom before, and seeing the cute designs and all the artwork associated with each enemy would be really sweet.

The most basic enemy with the green hair is my favorite design, naturally she would be the one that ends up getting killed the most I bet lol.