Thank you for a good cloud tileset. But this format isn’t good for me, and I converted that to Godot Engine standarts.
Mostly in RPG Maker count of events impacts on game performance because RPG Maker always updates information about events. I checked that when I ported my VXA project to MV. In VXA 200 events on map don’t influence on performance. MV project starts lags. And I think better to use one parallel event than 50 events.
With “function can be made in one event but not graphics” I mean you can use event’s script in one event instead of 2 (or more) but there will be a problem with graphics. I just used to do regions and conditions (if you checked my translation which I sent in DMs in gamejolt). For different objects you can use conditions about region and coordinates. And I think update in one event will be more comfortable than in 10+
Maybe I’ll start to optimize this game again.
In project I still see a ton of events and no optimization which can be made with only one event.
All can be done with one parallel event on map or with calling one common event
When I translated 1-3 part of this game I noticed that in example of Pit cells and in example of barriers in Intro