Thank you, that's great to hear! I will be excitedly watching the updates!
Recent community posts
13leagues, I have loved all the fantastical games you've made.
I love just how interactive your stories are, with the ways the worlds shift around the player's wide selection of choices instead of making them another bystander. Not to mention the various characters and their relationships with everyone, including the player, that successfully manage to be unique, separate, and likable in their own ways.
I always find myself engrossed by your soft magic (and tech now, nice!) systems that don't exclude the player from their possibilities while fitting right in with the narratives.
I have yet to find any writer (excluding RynGM), or, frankly, any game developer, that can keep me as excited or enthralled as you have.
As I have no idea where to find consistent updates for your games on a platform known for its numerous abandoned projects, and given their seemingly erratic development, I am concerned for their future. I don't know if this concern is unnecessary and that there are indeed steady updates one can read, and if so, I would love to be pointed in their direction. If not, would it be too much to ask for a monthly sit-rep?
I can wait years for all of these awesome tales, but I just need to know that they're coming.
- A reader.