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A member registered Dec 20, 2019 · View creator page →

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Good stuff so far. Here's to hoping that the Kickstarter will offer international shipping, because I do indeed want to read the whole thing.

Well, it's summer, the apartment is cooking and I just got a full-body chill reading this. Good work.

A necessary start. Good individual parts (moody art, cathartic violence), that doesn't quite cohere (disorienting; where are we? How many characters are we surrounded by?). Since this is from 2020, one can quite clearly see the foundations for greater things. Let's see what more you have to offer :D

Ah, one of those almost-too-close-for-comfort Twine experiences. Some relatable similarities to past personal thoughts and actions here, and some details that are mercifully different. 

I can only interpret it as something positive that you've created this. The subjects are tricky to breach in any context, so the more accounts there are out there, the better, one hopes.

Okay, so it took ~slightly~ longer than anticipated to play, digest, think thru and write up a review than I had planned, but it's done now. Happy reading.

'tis must be providence, that chapter 1 releases on the same day that I decide to make better economic choices (by cancelling a pre-order for another game)!  On a more serious note, good to see you and Pacha back (since the "As Above..." demo was surprisingly good). Just purchased, will play soon.