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Zeloz Mk.II

A member registered Oct 25, 2017 · View creator page →

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To be fair, glasses girls are really that cute tho.

(1 edit)

(full disclosure, playtester here!)
Probably the best-feeling peril platformer-type eroge I've played ever, and I've been in the dlsite mines for a while. Feels really, really good to zoom around as these two elf perverts, slicing through enemies and some rather impressive bosses.
Huge game, too. Took my partner and I several hours getting the clear on Corris's scenario alone.

Amazing, amazing. What a foul scenario.
My body itched as I read it.

A gorgeously directed and produced game in service of a poignant anti-romance story filled with a low-key dread. Just another good, honest, feel-bad banger of a VN. Thank you.

Thank you so much for playing!

Absolutely stellar presentation of a sweet, feel-good erotic story. Really enjoyed the original music compositions!

Thank you so so so much for the very intricate impressions! I'm glad so much of it hit your ear well, and I'm ecstatic to hear it gave you an Ys vibe! xD

Truthfully, even now I go back and forth on whether or not I like the difficulty of the game (I'm currently leaning on the "it's maybe too easy" side), but hearing how it's gotten you and several other playtesters trying different functions in the battle system against the bosses fills me with so much joy ;_;

Again, a thousand times, thank you so much for playing and sharing your thoughts!

I am always glad to bring tabletop-with-friends vibes to my creative projects xD

(1 edit)

Thank you for playing x)

Incredibly happy that my passion was able to shine through, even through (or because of?) all the slime.

Thank you for playing! Hope you enjoyed yourself in the court of the slimes!

I appreciate having the beautiful prose and exciting adventure plot mixed in with jokes that, at times, had me wheezing with laughter. I feel like everyone in this cast found one way or another to worm their way into my heart, and I felt a little sad to see them off by the end. Thank you for this delight of a story.

I'm in awe at the lyricism and rage and melancholy you've been able to squeeze into the bitsy engine, and within such a curt runtime. It really is like a catchy, haunting ditty.

(1 edit)

Really loved the cute and irreverent writing!

Kinda had to stare at the ceiling for a bit after this, it really hit at some of my little decaying connection fears.

The dialogue pauses and unspoken thoughts were also masterful. This one was a lot.

God, that was chilling. Good stuff.

God, this game's so cute. Disarmingly so, even; the story grapples with some deeply relatable stuff as a queer person working through deeply-held self-esteem stuff with a supportive partner. I find your work often very relatable, but this one really struck a chord.

Fantastic VN direction, and stellar use of Rengoku-Teien music too xD Thank you for this!

This just shook me to my core.
Fantastic blend of existential horror and erotica.

(2 edits)

Loved the back-and-forth banter between the characters. Very quippy, and it flows really well.
Especially loved the entire look of it, from the 1-bit monochrome to the character expressions.

A lighthearted and lightly (but constantly) horny romp with everyone's favorite elf girl. The battles are quick and punchy, and the dialogue is very cute and on-point.

finally... a DLSite-worthy action eroge on itch

That was a very fun sci-fi horror story. The UI really sells the story.

I love the entire aesthetic of this game, and also it put me in chilling headspaces I'd rather not dwell on for too long.

Genuinely though, thank you for this.

Thank you for this absolutely stunning and erotic short story. Really resonated with me in a way I don't often get out of eroge, or other games or fiction in general.

Absolutely impeccable game of sharp wit and pointed commentary.

Thank you for this. It was really fun! Some of the attack patterns felt kind of inescapable, but these usually came about when I was playing carelessly.

1657.81 seconds
88 deaths