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A member registered Mar 12, 2018 · View creator page →

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This is was really nice! Besides the collider of the ants are "a bit" slippy,  the mechanic is very interesting and easy to get.  Unfortunately I could not finish level 5 because the first frog was always eating me or the other ants were in the way. And if you once press restart, the game don't deselect the button and restarts if you jump.  But overall a really cool game!

Alright! I totally missed the new area and mistaken the blue ground as a wall. After understanding the rules for this game, everything was good to find.  Now I feel satisfied to have been able to  complete this game!

Solid entry, but I think the map is quiet to large for the options available, so I was  running most of the time running in circles with no clue what I have to find. In the end, I kept stuck  with Trainee and a cup of coffee. But I like the announcer voice :)

I love the graphics and the atmosphere but i had pretty much bugs ;c

The artstyle is great, i had some bugs (even in v3) but it makes very much fun to play.

Lovely mood, the music is a nice touch.

Nice game, I like the concept how you have to support yourself. I like how many levels you have done.

although the graphics are a bit drab, the game makes fun to play :)

A bit too hard for me :c

Good game, it even made me play it again ;)

The game is compared to the otheres in this jam very good :)