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A member registered Jul 29, 2022

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Always. Typically I'll play through the game once in the lead up to release of the update, then the new content, then go for a full run again (Caribdis updates previous content a lot so there's some fun lines you can miss by never going for a full updated playthrough).

This may sound random as a question, but your guest characters are always a nice nod to the other devs in this "circle" of games style (Sad to see Evermore go after all it's promise), but I have to ask as a supporter of one of the greats, have you reached out to Caribdis about having a guest star from Eternum?

I'm just gonna keep adding to my own wild theories here for anyone interested.

Replaying the game, Caribdis hides so much in the tiny instances that I'm only just finding. The chapter-ends with the flashes for MC hide a lot each time (0.1 shows Benjamin, Thanatos, Idriel, the Founder, and an Ion Praetorian with different eyes, or at least I think they look different, 0.2 shows some sort of weird russian basement wherein MC meets his doppelganger then there's like a tornado of blood and the doppelganger is gone? Will update as the playthrough gleans more).

Also, went on a weird tangent to look into a bunch of the Greek mythology that's Caribdis has used. The obvious being Calypso stuck in the Ogygia server by Ulysses (the Roman, and thus B*stardized, version of Odysseus), reverse of the greek myth. Each of the weapons of Atlas share a name with a greek titan's child (Specifically the Oceanids and Atlas), Hyas being a hunter, Dhione an oracle, and Calypso a sorceress, meaning Nova's comment that Calypso could be magical since Hyas is melee and Dhione ranged isn't crazy.

Spoilers for 0.6, Thanatos has Hyas.

Hyas' only achievement was getting killed while hunting lions, so I think we may see Thanatos hunt the MC and his harem only to be killed by his own prey. Dhione being an oracle, a being known for foresight and prophecy I think fits well with Nova, she's the obvious nerd-brain of the crew (They're all smart though, which honestly makes all of them best girl imo) with her eye being both a strength and weakness for her. Calypso's connections other than being magical and trapped I've drawn a blank. Random connection though, Calypso's blue flash being released is the same coloration as when Eternum connects to the MC, which is probably to do with Calypso's portal ability (possibly her ability being what allowed Ulysses to create the Exit Portals and connections to other worlds?) and trapping her in the box whilst having similar boxes be what frees NPCs from Ulysses' control makes her the crux of whatever is actually going on in Caribdis' story they're expertly weaving.

Again, will probably post again tomorrow as I go frame by frame through other sections...

Depends on if you're taking your time or not. I personally enjoy savoring the journey so like 12ish hours to get to where we are now? If you like just rolling through everything, you could probably get through it in a few hours.

(1 edit)

This is totally random and out there, but I'm doing another playthrough in preparation for 0.7 and I only just saw a weird detail. Spoilers for anyone who hasn't played through to like 0.3 I guess? Also, yes, this is another ramble from me...

During the dream sequences early on (talking 0.2, right after the study session with Alex), the figure that appears and talks to MC is covered in butterflies. Later on, we get the weird interlude talking about Kredon's Butterflies and their ties to the strange weather.

Just trying to make sense of the weird things going on in the game (Weird in a good way). Caribdis is seeding things, obviously, that hopefully get conclusions by 1.4 (I'm manifesting destiny here since they said between 12 and 14 releases will be had by the end of this journey). The dream sequences are  getting stranger and stranger each time I play through, because each time I notice something new (Which considering I've been around since right after 0.2 released and do at least one full playthrough each time an update is released is impressive, kudos Caribdis).

Like, the MC gets the weird phone call urging him to seek Calypso right after arriving in Kredon, then has the first dream of creepy boy before playing Eternum for the first time. Obviously his 100% compatibility is at play somehow, as the Founder acknowledges him right away, Idriel mentions that MC is hopefully the one to finally get it right, and we keep getting these interactions with people (Who I think are NPCs/dead people/enslaved souls) asking if the MC will help them (Important to note, they're not asking him to help them, they're asking if he will, which implies free will matters, same as when Idriel asks the heads or tails question and likes if you break the chain).

We know for a fact that Eternum is able to be modified from Kredon in small ways, Annie mentions you need a lot of skills to modify terrain in your Ion visit, and Nova obviously hacks a way into Ogygia, but that doesn't necessarily mean that Eternum is servers (Thanks Axel for cementing that), but we know it's connected to Earth digitally somehow.

Sort of the last thing I noticed this playthrough is MC's noting that his mom left early on in his life (My brain had it she died before this playthrough), I don't know why but this jumped out at me. What with the 100% compatibility and Calypso's whole heritage thing coming into play for her abilities.

The real last thing, this is straight up just theorizing (A game theory? RIP) but I believe that the founder is the human king from Calypso's legend, the gems of doom are the same as the ones in her story, and the NPCs in the game are people of different worlds. It's noted that they all have a chip in the same place as the neural implant and can be controlled with the new hacker boxes introduced in 0.4, but otherwise go about their lives. Ulysses seems to want to control everything, but the Founder and Idriel (Who I still think is the Elven Queen from Calypso's story, or somehow related at least) want someone who won't. The Gates of Acheron the ten gems of doom open I believe is releasing all the NPCs from Ulysses control, restoring the worlds to their own natural order (possibly sealing them off, which would be reason for Calypso to not be a "main" girl since you can't end with her. Please prove me wrong here, Caribdis).

Actual last thing, still think Hyas should go to Dalia. She's earned it.

EDIT: Found this when you're logging into Eternum to get Calypso... Makes me want to go back through and try to see if there are any other single frame secrets... Good god, Caribdis, can this get any better?

I'm both pleased to hear this and also sad knowing I now have an idea of how many more chapters we'll get (Hopefully it's 14... Because that means we're only halfway done)

Not that we know of... But uh, that ending to 0.6... Hard to believe that she's not now and we'll just find out about it in 3-4 updates or so, like OIAL. I imagine all 7 main girls will be if you enable the content and finish scenes with them "properly" to trigger pregnancy.

Once 0.7 goes public (mid-april) you can just download and unzip it (Assuming you're on PC), then launch and your saves from 0.6 will be there...

Caribdis just posted the release schedule on Patreon an hour or so ago. Demon Lords get it Thursday, God Tiers get it Sunday, then it's down a tier every 6 days so public release is April 16th (Good lord, a whole month away...)

Looks to be a Nova/Luna/Penny/Nancy chapter, probably to do with the two worlds teased in 0.6, the Pirate server and the Japanese server, plus Nova's One Piece "Finale" watch party...

Yep, Caribdis is supposed to give the release dates by tier today sometime..

Me having been checking back every week since December and finally getting it... We all know 0.7 is going to be good, it's Caribdis, it's Eternum, it's impossible for it to be bad. But here's hoping it's good. We're due the Nancy, Luna, Penny, and Nova content coming (Scroll back down to like November if you want to see why those four, got a whole 8 paragraph theory of how what scenes occur and are chosen). Plus, if there's a fifth scene in 0.7 it's just bonus at this point... Keep it up, Caribdis, we're all behind you.

Oh, trust me, I was ready for that 0.5 update the day it dropped...

You know I found this because of StrayIncubus, which already had the references to Stormside and Eternum, but now here you are with a full blown multiverse already in the works in-lore? Bravo, sir or madame or serrah, bravo. Adding this to my collection of actually really good games, it ranks up there alongside StrayIncubus, Eternum, and OIAL...


Also, just my own pure speculation/reasoning here...

Working through my full playthrough with the 0.6 update (gotta say, love the updated early dialogue to make things concurrent with recent world events, really appreciate that), and I did not realize that some scenes happened earlier than they did in my brain (Space Oddysey specifically, when we got the Midnight Cookies scene my brain was wondering why Cari was doing so many Annie scenes in a row, but upon  replay, yeah, that was 2 updates back...).

Based on progression of each girl, as well as what has been hinted at occurring soon in the last couple updates, I think we can surmise what scenes we're going to get in the next two updates.

Each girl has had a scene approximately every other update (0.3 and 0.5, or 0.2, 0.4, and 0.6). Looking back at each girl's scenes, as well as where each one has been left off;

Annie has stated that she's ready for it "next time" but just had a scene in 0.6, which makes me believe we'll sleep with her in 0.8.

Nancy has only had two scenes, but the elevator was one of those. With her insatiability, I'm guessing we'll get a scene in 0.7, and I'm guessing we will release inside, if you catch my completely unhidden drift.

Dalia in 0.6 admits to herself she wants you to be the one, but like Annie, just had another scene, so probably 0.8 (I'd bet something to do with "the hunt").

Penny is a little harder since she's really only had the one intercourse scene (yes, she had the photoshoot, but that was more of a tease, like Dalia's Shower Show). I'm guessing we'll get her next scene in 0.7, but I don't know if it'll be full intercourse.

Luna. Sweet, poor, neglected Luna. Why, Cari? Why does she only have one scene?! She's overdue another scene, so I'm betting we'll see her in 0.7. However, based on her progression, I can't see this being full intercourse either, which slightly scares me for how late into the game we'll finally sleep with her.

Alex, I mean... We all finished 0.6. She's probably pregnant if y'all selected pregnancy options. I'm betting we'll get another scene in 0.8, maybe even a threesome with Dalia at that point? She's a shapeshifter, so her, Dalia, and MC teaming up for "the hunt" and it getting steamy is high on my list of scenarios that could play out.

Nova is a guaranteed hit for 0.7, full intercourse, probably going to lead to her getting pregnant. With you going to her house for "Netflix and chill" as well as her and your progression, this is the one I'm most sure of.

Now then, those being said, what about side characters (Sadly Calypso being considered one of those)? We've gotten one in 0.1 (ngl, this one was probably just to keep people around and not have the first 2 chapters only be teasing and the like, which fair enough, Eva is great, gave Cari time to develop the characters for the main girls), one in 0.3 (Still conflicted on how Ma'at's story is left, obviously we don't want anyone excommunicated, but Nova or someone (probably Nova) mentioning that Ma'at's account was banned permanently or something would be nice closure), and finally Calypso's in 0.6, which feels like the beginnings of her being our central "Other" girl. With all that, I could see Calypso getting a 0.7 or 0.8 scene, then finishing off with full intercourse with her in 0.9 or 1.0. With the story, I'm kind of doubting she'll be an endgame prologue girl, what with not existing in Kredon but I'd love to be proven wrong about that. Now that we've seen Eva again as well, I could see Cari slipping her in one more scene before the game is done.

There's also a trend Caribdis has set for number of scenes per update. We got 2 scenes in each of 0.1 and 0.2, 3 scenes for 0.3 and 0.4, and 4 scenes for 0.5 and 0.6. This gives me hope that 0.7 and 0.8 will each have 4 scenes, and 0.9 and 1.0 will have 5 scenes each, giving us 18 scenes total.

With all of these observations we can come up with the following rough completely theorized and hypothetical timeline for the next scenes;

0.7 - Nancy, Penny, Luna, Nova, ???

0.8 - Annie, Dalia, Alex, ???, (Probably Calypso)

0.9 - ??? x5

1.0 - ??? x4, (Probably Calypso)

If this holds true, we will have fully slept with Annie, Nancy, Dalia, Alex, and Nova by 0.8, Penny and Luna being left to have intercourse with. Assuming that, I'd guess all of the girls we've slept with by then would be pregnant (of the main girls), else they'll get pregnant the second time we sleep with them (presumably most of their second times would include multiple girls).

We've also been given a lot of hints as to the threesomes and beyond we will likely get, mostly between the sisters and Nancy, but with others thrown in as well. Annie and Nancy have a different bond, I could see that happening as a threesome, Annie and Dalia weirdly keep getting thrown at each other in conversation, mostly by Annie. Annie and Nova were very briefly hinted at by Harley, but that's it. Nancy has been hinted at multigirl scenes with her daughters left and right, there's Nancy and Dalia (rub it in Kai's face), Nancy and Penny, or Nancy, Dalia, and Penny (Rub it in Kai's face even more). I can see Nany initiating a lot of these as she herself has been the one flirtatious bringing them up. Dalia and Penny is just a parallel to the Lauren and Judie final scene from OIAL. Dalia and Alex has been heavily hinted at by both girls, so is almost a guarantee, as is Penny and Nova. Again, this leaves Luna as an outlier, but so was Rebecca in OIAL, so whilst I would like to see her getting involved in some scenes with other girls, her condition also makes it an easy way for Caribdis to explain why she wouldn't.

Again, sorry for the ramble, this game is just too good not to invest time and brain power into. I said it on my last post after just finishing 0.6's new content but Caribdis, keep it up, you're easily the best VN/ero writer/game maker out there at the moment, take your time with your updates to keep things getting better as they have been, just don't make us wait too long (I'll give you a year, maximum).

(1 edit)

Potential spoilers (?) but more of just theory crafting after finishing 0.6 (Need to do my usual full game playthrough with the new update).

First off, based on the recency of updates, I'm willing to bet that we're looking at a December/January release for 0.7, which for once with these kinds of things, I'm okay with. This is worth the wait.

Now on to the theories (theory?) of how things are gonna play out.

So we all know there are the seven main girls, plus Calypso, yes, but for now I'm focusing on the seven we get profiles of. Obviously, endgame is to have a full happy harem that accepts each other and MC fully, as well as s** scenes for all of them all the way. With the number of times the MC and the girls have mentioned potential threesomes and beyond (Which I think is a similar thing that's happening to all of them with the physical changes or the water butterflys, Kredon ain't normal), Caribdis has for sure set us up for multi-girl scenes, which constitutes having slept with each one already (Or at least, the ones involved).

So far, we've obviously slept with Nancy and Alex, and Cari has set us up for Nova in 0.7 (if that One Piece sleepover ain't it, I'll eat my hat), potentially Annie and Dahlia not too far behind (Annie's whisper that next time is it and Dahlia's acceptance that she wants you to be the one in the shack). The stragglers are Penny and Luna, Luna even more than Penny, I'd say. Overall, mathwise, we're going to have to start sleeping with multiple girls per update (assuming the full game is 1.0. Honestly, most games I'd be upset with the idea of 1.0 not being full release, but Caribdis, if you want to take this all the way to 2.0, I'm here for a good time, and a long time if needed).

This all leads me to believe that 0.7 is going to have the opening resolution of the cliffhanger as Cari is want to do at this point, I could see Alex being taken away or something as part of this because her dad is... not good. We're either going to have one of the bases of El Coyote being raided (I'm going to guess we're taking Annie with us to Ion along with another girl and then I could see Luna and another girl, leaning Nova in my head, for our New World escapade, or else some of the girls and us go to one and the rest of the girls go to the other?) or else this "hunt" that has now been mentioned twice (Which I'm  personally thinking won't happen until 0.8 and is going to lead into Dahlia's full scene).

Reason for one or the other is that the base raids are going to get us a third gem of doom and I think the hunt will be what wins us the fourth. Eventually we will need to face Thanatos and either defeat him or convince him to join us, which I could see at this point.
Obviously we'll have Nova's scene with the One Piece watch party (Still confused how they're watching the last episode, but ah well), I could just be fantasizing (I don't exactly recall how we left off with Penny, need to play through again to remember) but I could also see a side scene/date with Penny to the feudal japanese world.

Biggest thing I think is that we need to further our Luna connection this next update. We have all of one scene and whilst they're all great, it's (personally) one of the more forgettable ones.

Less of theory now and more just me being wistful, but based on Caribdis' growth (viewed by OIAL and now Eternum) I'm keeping my fingers crossed that we do get a polyamory confession scene or something? Like at some point there is very much a sit down between MC and all seven girls wherein he confesses he's seeing each of them (I can't get Nancy's reaction of "Oh, that's all you wanted to talk about? I thought it was serious." or something out of my head) and there's of course the anger then the realization that a lot of the girls like each other as well (beyond just friends. If they don't admit it, we all know they're lying). OIAL, whilst the ending slideshow is amazing, kind of just glances over it. Obviously some of the girls find out about each other and make a believable web of ones in-the-know and have different reactions, there's no full resolution or talk about it, it's just "Haha, and they all lived happily ever after, accepting each other with no issue or thought" kind of.

It would (again, personally) round out the whole "chosen family" that's occurred. All the girls have gotten closer due to MC and Cari has done a wonderful job of making sure those connections remain and grow themselves (ie Luna and Penny hanging at the mall, Penny and Nova being best buds in college, etc). Also, Nancy has apparently already accepted all of them as both MC's girlfriends as well as her own children to mother (Which I guess makes sense, Alex doesn't exactly have a loving family outside of maybe an Axel twist based on 0.6, she's already Penny and Dahlia's mom, she's acting as Annie's caretaker in Kredon, Luna lost her mom early on, leaving only Nova who, let's face it, is chaos).

To any who read this far, thank you for reading my ramble, feel free to reply with your thoughts if you too are spinning wild theories in your head along these lines?

Caribdis, if you read this (far), keep it up, I'm eagerly awaiting your next chapter, but still wish you to take the time you need to continue this masterpiece you've ensorcelled us with.

EDIT: Wow, I was tired and spelled Caribdis wrong every time.

Early on, your first trip with Annie, should be able to wander around by yourself a bit, accept the offer for "a good time" despite the high cost.