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A member registered Feb 06, 2021

Recent community posts

Sounds intriguing.

Looks super cool!

Thanks a lot for this, Brent. This is really well made.

This is super awesome! Nicely done, Emyrikol!

This is a really great game.

That's very kind of you for making the game available to all of us. Much thanks Blackfisk Publishing.

Lovely game.

Looks awesome!

Big congrats for the Revised Edition release, Thomas and team!

This is a really well made Forged In The Dark game. Good luck on the completion, seasidespulchre team!

Lovely game, Outrider Creative team.

Lovely colored cover there, Double Summon Games team.

A lovely light game.

That's very kind of you. Good luck with the playtest and all of your projects, Raul.

Big congrats for the version 1.0 release, Quinn and team!

This game is a lot of fun! Great work, Mitch!

(2 edits)

Good luck on all of your projects, Moro!

This first Elegy is already super cool. Can't wait for the next iteration.

This is a really awesome game, Always Checkers Publishing.

Lovely game, Tallywinkle team!

(1 edit)

Lovely tribute and homage to NieR Automata franchise. NieR Agaku is the definitive NieR Automata tabletop rpg for me.

I have tried the game since my last comment. This is truly an amazing game.

It captures the heroic super powered but tragic stories of the Androids and the desolate world really well.

Perhaps it is also because i played with an amazing group too.

Awesome update! Good luck with the development, Joel and team! 

I can't wait for the final true form of Dawn!

This is hillarious.

That's great to hear. Good luck on all of your prrojects, Zap Forge!

The system is great and inspiring. Really cool hack of Into The Odd.

Big congrats for the release, Deep Dark Games!

Cool game, Deep Dark Games!

The game looks lovely.

Haha i guess you are right!

(1 edit)

More accessibility is always great. I hope more people can try Elegy.

Cool game, Rings and Running Shoes team. Great unofficial Sonic game!

Big congrats for the ENNIE nominations, Phantom Mill team.

I have a blast reading! So evocative. I will try it tonight.

Really cool game, Brite!

Star Chapters is a tabletop rpg about a magical girl life using any kind of deck of cards.

The action resolution needs us to draw a card from the deck and interpret the drawing or the general feel of the card as how the action is resolved. So it is better if you play using cards with evocative images such as trading card games or tarot decks.  I am planning to play it more using Magic The Gathering cards. 

I was playing solo the first time but i believe even in group, everyone on the table still control one magical girl so it is best that everyone understand the boundary of the theme and feel and vibes of the story.

I found out Star Chapters first through one of its hacks, Koriko The Magical Year actually. It's great to see the first inspiration in Star Chapters. 

Star Chapters is one of my favorite TTRPG about magical girls. Great work, Kurt and A Smouldering Lighthouse team.

Why thank you Kurt. Usually i just give a little remark about how i feel after reading and trying the game a bit. Let me give a more thorough feedback for Star Chapters then.

I will try playing it more deeply using MTG cards next time.

Badass tactical sci-fi TTRPG. Highly recommended.

Lovely game, A Smouldering Lighthouse team.

Best TTRPG of all time.

Big congrats for the ENNIE nominations, Goblin Archives team!

Big congrats for the ENNIE nominations, Stout Stoat team!