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A member registered Feb 11, 2018 · View creator page →

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Hi lanceo90, appreciate the comment. I've unhidden the 1.1 files if that helps folks with this specific issue.

Hi Always, it might have been through Roll20 potentially? Send me an email ( and I'll send you some new links on me. 

Hi Radioknopf, I actually have import instructions for Tiled listed halfway through the store page. Thanks!

I prefer Tiled, it's a free app you can get on itch. Hex Kit hasn't been updated in years that I'm aware of.

Hi judson, only so much we can do against folks taking the images individually (although good luck individually downloading all of them). For the commercial license, you're using it appropriately and I don't see an issue.

Yes, it does. If you're selling a finished product using the tiles it's commercial. It's also commercial if you distribute a finished product for free to the public. Thanks!

Good call, I'll dig up my old files and I'll see how much work it'll be to export them at matching sizes.

I used to use Roll20 and they also did not support hexes well, so I'm glad you found something that works! I know some folks will make their maps first and then import them in to avoid the hassle of creating within the online tabletop. Appreciate your comments!

I will take a look further although Hex Kit hasn't been updated in quite some time. It's not my program but I'll see what I can do

Hi Mangusta,

What tileset program are you using to set up the tiles?

Are they overlapping both horizontally and vertically? If so, I would check to make sure your pixel size per tile is correct, and Hexkit also allows for overlap settings (can't remember what it's called), so make sure it starts at 0 and then adjust as needed.

Hi vulg4r! The 'organized' zip file is the one you're looking for. It's organized for Hex Kit. Hex kit is not being updated and the creator ducked out a couple of years ago so I've transitioned to more generic terms. Thanks!

Thanks Ed, let me take a look!

(2 edits)

Ok, I did some checks on my different sets. The Hex Tileset 1 roads go across the borders, but the Hex Tileset 2 roads don't. I have them ending at the border of the hex. So if you're using the PH2 roads, there will be a space left to allow for the full hex border. I apologize if that looks kind of weird, maybe I can export an updated version that aligns with PH1 roads.

(1 edit)

Appreciate the heads up, I fixed 0721 in all the folders and re-uploaded. Looks like I didn't have the shore tiles arranged in the right order, which caused me to miss that. Not going to re-arrange them number wise but any new download of the assets (July 17, 2023 onward) will have the fix.

I'm right there with ya, also trying to pick up some older half finished products!

I've attempted to clarify in the page description. Thanks!

Hi xpmn, I now have a commercial use license for purchase on the itch page if you're still interested in using the tiles for a mod. Thanks!

Hi Narsiph, I now have a commercial use license for purchase on the itch page if you're still interested. Thanks!

Hi Hoofed, I've made an easy commercial license option on the itch store page in case you're still interested. Thanks!

Hi Buzz, the new transition tiles have been added. Download version 1.2 for a revamp!

The volcano island demo set is on the main page, below the Purchase section, in the section labeled "Download Demo." When I publish the remastered version of this set (hopefully within a week or two) I will incorporate the demo into the Pixel Hex Tileset to avoid confusion.


I believe it may email folks when major updates are posted, but there's been a lot of interest in some of the fixes on this set so I'll probably manually email all the people who've bought it when I finish. Thanks!

I have started work on this. It's a bit of a tedious process but I'm making progress!

(2 edits)

Hi  Buzzerker! I didn't create those Stolen Lands maps, Luckmann made those maps and posted here in the comments! They're quite awesome. 

From what I can tell, it looks like they might have taken those full marshland and water tiles and made them into river sections, most likely by adding an overlay and painting a brush over the disguised tiles, leaving that river effect. Looking through the map I can spot a couple of different areas where they may have edited or erased certain parts of tiles to provide the desired effect.

My stock rivers in PH1 match the road tiles and have muddy borders. In my second tileset, the rivers are created exclusively hugging tile borders. You might be able to use some of the coastline/water tiles in PH2 to create a wider river like that, but I think they'd be two tiles wide.

I'm hoping to update this pack sometime this year to make it more aligned with the pixel hex 2 tileset- specifically, creating transition tiles that are half land and then half transparent, allowing you to layer land borders across any type of full tile without having to hunt down the specific tile (for example, the "grass to snow" tile). This would also make it a bit easier to replicate what you're seeing below. I'll look at adding some thicker river tiles that fit within a hex.


I drafted a post-apocalyptic tileset test run last year, it's definitely a possibility. One of the things I struggled with was the height of buildings blocking street views. I'm working on a fantasy city set next but could be an easy transition afterwards!

Oooh, good suggestion. I had looked at doing some space related hexes in the past. I'll pull up Lancer and see if that'll help structure my ideas!

I would love if we could actually get a tabletop category in the games section

I don't currently have plans to transition the first tileset to transparent border tiles, but if I'm feeling extra spunky and can find my work files I can look into doing this. I'm currently focused on the hex battle pack and a potential city set before looking at additional revisions.

I've never used worldographer, but as long as they support overlapping hexes you should be good to go.

Appreciate the kind words!

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The hex outlines are enclosed shapes, but I can look at doing a simple segmented line. Might be a bit of a pain to place down individually, but I can do that.

In regards to the dungeons question, yes I'd like to do some different tile environments outside of the traditional stone dungeon. I will keep an eye on your suggestions as I build them out!

Thanks for checking in! Yes, I plan on another update soon. Life's gotten in the way over the last year or two (as I'm sure it has for many folks). However, I'm in a place now where I'm back to working on projects. Hang tight!

Correct. I'm currently working on a separate commercial use license folks can grab off of itch, I'm just trying to figure out all the contract details. I'm thinking it might be around $25 per set. Thanks!

If you use my assets in another body of work with the intention to distribute, that falls under commercial use. I charge licensing fees for those looking to do so, if you want to talk more in-depth about it feel free to email me at

He had his ttrpg book that was supposed to go to print too. I still keep an eye out for him just in case.  I'll ask Better Legends/Skullboi next time I visit his stream if he's heard anything

As far as I know CONE/Cecil who made HexKit has been out of contact for over a year or more now, no one knows what happened to them. If HexKit gives you issues, I'd still recommend Tiled, which is free on itch as well.

If I have more time in the future I can consider this, although even with a color changer tool going through 2000+ tiles to do that would take me a considerable amount of time.

I've thought about it, if there's folks interested I can definitely look at it! I was also considering doing something like a star map using hexes as well.

Welcome Simon, great to have you! It's awesome to see someone who's been deep in the ttrpg process!