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A member registered Jan 09, 2023 Β· View creator page β†’

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he was back about 2 weeks ago .-.


new poost meathod

thought the pan army faded away ig there’s still more people that know about it

5 years ago

about 27

Kinda long story but lemme break it down

I was in the military for quiet a while about 5 years and was on the Saudi Arabian ground (high place for terrorist attacks) we came down from a heli and was walking for about 30km, until my buddy came across a landmine and accidentally stepped on it and I was right in front of him so then the next second you know KABOOM my buddy lost his life and I was down a leg, good the I had morphine in my backpack and so I used it to kill the pain and then a hella bunch of terrorist came outta no where and we got sprayed, so we had to retreat and we fled,

As the time passed by, my life insurance cover 80% of my prostecic leg charges and after a year I got a new leg, the cost was about 12k

yay getting my prosthetic leg 2 day :D

Pretty romantic I’d say brother


Dover sometimes log into my acc for posting some stuff


no clue forgot the title

Hoya Gamble

no enemies

2S kinda fell off



nothing more fun that n1 matchmaking :D

XXPP pls

main character moment

black human

use a aeroplane bozo

(1 edit)


Can’t play cuz helping Dover with a cycle rally race tournament 



btw do you use deodorant after a shower or when your going somewhere?

Ofc cuz you hacking :D

back after 2 days

ye ig

he’s going Vietnam 

I thought 8 hours was bad :P

try play n1 13000ft in the air XD


indexed DB .-.

you left


hmm I have a little theory to test 

I think it’s possible to make a custom code but I need a bunch of people to help

B4 logging into n1 can y’all type up PPXX as a code cuz if you keep doing it at least once a day or more if possible 

If you keep doing that I think a custom code called PPXX will come up

Thx for listening and will check up on a week 

Btw will keep track of the progress on my Yt 


code split

yes I got my first kill with the gun I showed 

I killed a palm civet it looks cool

Kinda blurred the image cuz it kinda looked gruesome 

text when school is over .-.