good. having unlimited traits was so op. ima check about the lag soon.
now here's silly momento :3:
bro got plot armor 🙏😭
Wow, really cool! this reminds me of BASES LOADED which i also enjoyed a lot , but this game seems to have a bit more balanced upgrades and a lot of future potential.
the 2 things that stuck out to me and felt a bit off were the zombie spawning and exiting shop. i feel like the gravestone sprite should flash white or something right before its about to spawn, so id know if i can make it over it. also feel like there should be just a slight pause after exiting the shop, to give the player some time to react, I did get used to this after some time, but like a 0.5 second pause would really help.
Defenetly going to check out the full release i the future, for now a solid 9/10.
sad to report this cuz its actually kinda fun to exploit:
so the advertising works weird, so if you buy 1 international ad it creates a stack of international ads, but then when you buy local versions of that ad (a lot cheaper) , it doesnt create a new stack, but instead just adds the amount to the stack of international ads for local versions. meaning you can get internationa ads for a lot cheaper than you should. this also works in reverse, so you could get ripped off if you buy international ads but already have a stack of local or national ads running.
(if its already reported and i missed it then my bad :3
this is really confusing for me too, and should def be adressed. so to start the game you have to press any button on the keyboard a couple of times. but this isn't really good cuz the game loading has the same color and it isnt told to the player in any way. so yea i too was confused when first playing.
Even when coming back to this game i find it very fun, although my perfectionist self gets the best of me, and i keep resetting runs just get a little better results.
I do wish some things weren't so exploitable, like you can hire a team and then just before the month ends, fire them. which makes you pay slot less than you should. 2nd advertising your game is weird, cuz everytime you open and close the window the prices reset, so the best way is just to go in n' out till you get the best prices. feels like the prices should rotate daily instead.
Also i'd love to see difficulty settings in the future. But im getting carried away, so merry christmas, happy new year and keep up the good work!
1 thing i've noticed through-out all my runs, is that it always seems to be that on the 1st Hunt, you either you have no trouble beating the boss, or you'd lose even if you chose to skip. So i find it rare to get a build with the power to lose to the boss, but still beat the enemies if you skip, and since theres no extra risk to the boss fight other than the difficulty, then i see no reason to skip it.