Starting things and never finishing?! Who would do that?! *Looks intensely at self* At this point i count it as part of the process. Trying things until one grabs our mind, and then we run with it.
Do not worry too much, 'twas fun!`
Ah, EVE. Every time i hear its name i have to resist the urge to play it. >.>
Used to set up shop in low population systems in low security space(where PvP can and will happen)* and convince the locals to protect my cargo so i can sell then cheap(cheaper than neighbor systems but still more expensive than in trade hubs) things. Got conned into paying for protection only to get my things blown up a couple times before i wised up. Damn you! *shakes fists at pirates*. *remembers that i made a lot of money out of pirates* Well, it was not that bad!
*PvP can happen pretty much anywhere in EVE if players want it bad enough.