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A member registered Jun 24, 2021

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honestly the fact that you’re ridiculing the devs over every little thing when the game itself is one of the best out there is just….it has one of the best graphics and mechanics and you can suggest the feedbacks in a better way show some manners bruh 

Is there no event starting today?

just wondering…in pussy market if you collect all the common rare and epic heroes do new legendary and mythic heroes also come in market?

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oh okay…thnx for the prompt reply :) rly hope it comes along with the next event

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why did colosseum suddenly stop…pls get it along with pussy market or the normal event:(( the items are pretty useful for event T-T

oh kk thnx

could you please post pussy market event list as well?

oh thnx a lot

would appreciate it if it was posted here only…not the disc link

another thing that can be made better is the free chest slots instead of money if they’re for gems…say 200/250 gems for each slot that’d be an better option…because it’s rly hard to complete the quests till mythic level without the extra slots….

agreed…or at least increase the probability of rarer chests with league

That’d be problematic…ppl will decrease their league to lowest possible then colloseum would be super easy for them…you can just refresh the tab if you want to’ll lose automatically…it needs more time than surrender option but less time that completely playing and losing

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Just wondering…how are enemies chosen in colloseum?according to your league or your lvl??also a few suggestions…please remove the epic and mythic chest quests in pussy market…those are too rare T-T everything else is super nice :))

Oh ok haha

It starts over the generation lvl 0 means 0% of initial generation rate…lvl k means 5k% of initial generation rate.

the secret trophies in tier 3 don’t have any kind of bonus?like in tier 1 and tier 2??

Ohh thnx ;)

wut?!XDD I never noticed

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.;-; how did my premium theme open even though I haven’t completed all tier 3 trophies yet?

can anyone please give me hints for 2 tier 3 trophies?..silver chalice and the hound 

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ohh nice!!I’m looking forward to it ^^


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also…another suggestion..if you could add something like a storyline every 100 lvl till 400 then every 25 lvls or something like that it’d be awesome…because if you unlock all the trophies and such it becomes a bit monotonous.thnx ;)

oh ok..the wights we’re giving levels like 10/s that might’ve been the cause thnx 

umm…ok I’m facing a few issues-1)when I’m fighting,the fight is rly slower than normal..(it’s lagging) and 2) when I click on skills the whole game hangs…the money and generation keeps working but I’m not able to click on anything else…it’ll be helpful if you could tell what to do..thnx ^^

oh thnx for the info ^^

Tier 1,2,3 all?well…best of luck on that bet you won’t get above tier 2 XDD

is there any upper limit for the stages??

it’s not really a bug 

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I feed like there should be two more features…toggle auto generator and speed up battle…in tier 2/3 trophy rewards…cuz the tier 2 speciality(increase def) makes it rly annoying when the game is stretched out just cuz you have a few of unwanted undeads…and also necromancy’s level limit should be removed or made to 50/100.

Actually necromancy is a must now in later stages…10 levels of prosperity give as much as 1 stage gold bosss which isn’t rly as good as necromancy…

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best course of action according to me-once you reach morality focus on activating zombie/vampire first…then wight and then other troops

skeletons works till some point of time of time but you eventually need to use a combination of troops to get far

;-; seriously?how did ya even get to stage 500 at lvl 186…it must be the other way round lol

Be patient…after a few reset u’ll reach farther and farther.