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A member registered Apr 30, 2017 · View creator page →

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Hehe, thanks for playing. Would have loved to make more of a proper intro, end and more content in between with more polish. I realized that if I wanted the player to "throw" the elves around I couldn't allow them to just drag and drop them. Didn't have time to properly explore that though so went for first, simplest idea and some implied limitations that weren't technically there. : P

Thank you, that was very kind of you. : ) I'd love to explore music making more, but when you're short on time you do what is fast. : )

Thank you for playing. Hehe, I did some acapella singing on a train. It's hard to find the time with small children and Christmas traveling sometimes, maybe I'll make more levels and mechanics another time. : )

Thank you! Would have loved to explore it more, somewhere between Lemmings and Angry Birds. Maybe next time. : )

Thanks! Fixed now

But in solo dev there can by definition be nobody who can't dev right? Otherwise it's just a person, thinking. Which tbh is seems fine to me as well. : )

Well, while I agree that it's more common for people in general to be able to come up with ideas than being able to implement them, in teams there is generally room for both.

Coming up with ideas is also a skill. You can have talent for it, sure, but there is a deep set of methodology which goes far beyond intuitite, naive ideation. People who implement things tend to also have limited time to come up with ideas, as a result a team of ideation, design, implementation and testing competences can have room for all sorts of people.

Furthermore, games that end up as ideas or designs can still have value. Maybe they are implemented in the future, in another format or just constitute excellent expansion of the ideators mind. But I agree that it is fun to manifest ideas for a variety of reasons as well. : )

Neat little story and P8 is always a plus. ; ) Can relate to some things, disagreed in large with some of the thoughts, liked it though.

Nice "spin" to the defence genre. Looks good too. : )

Loved the character design 💖

Classic and with cool visuals!

What a treat for the senses. Neat little story, the language somehow makes it even more like art. ; )

Impressive visuals!


Found it very interesting to see how having a distant goal in sight affects gameplay in such a clean experience. Nice!

Sweet little game! Cool visuals.

Well, the fact that you know to click something is already sort of good enough. : ) The rest is mystery, social experimentation and potentially recognised as gameplay similar to famous, casual classic mine sweeper. : )

(1 edit)

Could it be one of these?

Är det någon särskild du syftar på?

Giffarna är inspelade med antingen Honeycam eller LICEcap.

Spelet är gjort i Unity, där använder jag Unity's animations-komponent. I vissa fall är det animering av värden i komponenterna (såsom i intro-skärmen) och i andra fall är det sprite-animationer (såsom på sprite:sen).

Alla sprite sheets är gjorda av den eminente Josef på YCJY. Viss animering är eller är delvis programmatisk, såsom gevärs- och jetpack-elden. : )

Yeah I liked it too, thanks for playing! I'd like to expand a little on the storyline in both a pro- and con-robot direction, but I deemed it too feature heavy for this occasion. : )

Thanks for playing! Yeah, I used this jam as an excuse to buy and try out P8 (and fantasy consoles in general), so I set the bar pretty low so I wouldn't get caught in feature creeping. Definitely want to expand on it a bit now after the jam, then again there are always other projects. : P

Hehe, yeah. You either go for a high kill count (humans and buildings count) or help your robotic brethren in their task. : )

Thanks, fixed : )