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A member registered Oct 25, 2021 · View creator page →

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In the same conversation, another typo. MC says "... I'm trying, Saori, I really am. The homework just... slipped mye by, I guess." I'm guessing they meant to say "slipped by me"

Just started the game and noticed a typo. Friday, Day 1. With you and Saori under the sakura trees. Just introduced MC and Saori. Saori says "... It;s... fine. Don't worry about it." Using a semicolon (;) instead of an apostrophe (') in the compound word It's (It is)

A bit of a bug for Leve 2, if you go back to the cell where you already rescued the marines, they'll be there again. At least this happened to me with the marines that are "behind the rocks" area.

I like the added detail when the warthog drives over the hard-light bridge, you see a little effect on the rear wheels. Didn't need to be done, but it adds to it.

Magic vs Melee, the real answer is BOTH. Spellswords and Magick Archers

So far I'm enjoying it. Though I did have to go into the files and change the font. Papyrus as the default font is just weird to me. But that's just me and it's an easy edit to change a renpy font. Outside that, liking the character's and story.

Last version I played was 0.17.7, wonder how much content there has been since then. Time to find out

This is why I've opted to wait until v0.19. Give me a good chunk of content to play through hopefully

Cliffhanger got me so good I literally screamed NO so loud at my monitor at 3am and scared my cat

I forgot to mention this before. But I love all the ways you hide the MC's face. They always get a chuckle out of me.

Seems like I'm the only one in the world who doesn't like JoJo so I never get any of these references lol

One personal complaint is the volume of the music is all over the place. So I'm constantly having to lower and then turn up the volume as some tracks are very quiet while some a bit loud. I don't know anything about sound design or anything so not sure how hard or complicated it can be to balance volume of different tracks in a game.

(1 edit)

Image 'me4_natsumi_5' not found is what I got as well.

I'm pleasantly surprised by how much actual story and character development there is. I actually got emotional and some bits, and one of the twists hit me hard in the stomach. So good.

God damn. After finishing Eternum 0.5 I decided to check out this game. And just like with Eternum, the story and characters are amazing. A porn game where I'm more interested in the plot and character development than the actual pornographic content, to me, makes it the best kind of porn game. It makes those pornographic moments even more enjoyable to me. And I'll admit, I did get emotional in some bits like I did with Eternum. And Stabby Mike, I love you man, you're a true bro.

It's always great to find a porn game that hooks you with its story and characters. And I'm glad the MC's hair style changes as the story progresses. Personally, wasn't a fan of the initial style lol. I'm really looking forward to how the story progresses. Honestly, the lewd scenes are a bonus.

I don't mind longer waits between updates as it just possibly means more content. Plus also don't want burn out