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A member registered Oct 16, 2017 · View creator page →

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Sorry, a what?

You should be able to download the newest version from

Hello. To enter VR Mode you have to click on VR Mode from the main menu using your Desktop Screen. It will ask to have your VR hardware ative and upon clicking continue the game will start in VR

Hello, please join us on Discord. There is a channel where people share their characters.

It is probably your SteamVR Bindings. Check this guide:

Also make sure you installed the game in a path with only English characters

That would be out of scope, sorry.

Stay tuned, we might have a public demo by end of the year

You need to fill their submission gauge


Most likely no

Hello, we are still considering it

Hello, get your hand close to a rib, axila or feet and use the trigger

Thanks, we will consider that idea, recently we are working on adding the swelling

Thanks, what bout the SteamVR bindings that are set?

  1. Can you let me know what is the latest version of SteamVR you are running?
  2. What headset are you using and what firmware is the headset and controllers running?
  3. Which is the SteamVR binding selected when you open the bindings UI?

Hello, could you check a couple of things:

  1.  Have the Latest SteamVR up to date, firmware on your headset as well as GPU Drivers?
  2. Check you are using the default VR Bindings in SteamVR
  3. Check the game is installed in a path with only English characters

We dont know if we will be able to give some  of the bigest supporters a key of the game.

Hello, thanks for the feedback. A few of the suggestions are already planned, some others not like a separate room.

For a better experence, mouse and keyboard is recomended. Game also supports gamepad.

Hello and thanks!
Having a full cutomizable player avatar is not in the scope, game will focus on heroes customization.

Hello, use the scroll wheel in your mouse.

Hello, not really. Killing ould be a game over condition in the game.

By performing the actions they like. There is an opinion indicator on the status console and it shows what actions each character likes

Cheat code is only for dev builds, this feature is not available on release builds

It doesnt

Hello, you have to fill their submission status to 100%

Thanks for the rich feedback, we took some notes and will work on this.
Have a good day!

You can adjust your height pressing and holding the menu button on your Hand Tracking controller

Hello, you can follow this tutorial

Hello. Could you join me on Discord to troubleshot this?

Probably a 1080

+1 to this

You can calibrate your height using SteamVR room calibration

That depends on the hardware of your laptop. It needs a dedicated graphics card

Hello, please join me on Discord and I can help you with that

Unfortunately no, Steam dropped support for SteamVR on MacOs some time ago >__<

Hello, please join our discord for help

It is coming on Beta 37, If you purchased the game join me on Discord and I can show you how to set it up.

Hello, it has headset and controllers tacking. No plans to implement tracking for more than that. Regards
