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A member registered Jun 11, 2018

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Bathing suit options?! I can't wait to get there! (๑✧∀✧๑)

I would also like this in a female version as well!

Just about anything with Gin had my approval 👀

Thank you Indivi~ ( ˘ ³˘)♥

So was what dahdoot said true about having a spell to change the genitals at any time true? Like can I change my gender with a spell while in new ark or do I have to go back to the tower to change my gender each time?

That was really cute. :) From the trailer I didn't know it was a game but just a bunch of gifs, it eventually clicked for me that there WAS a game aspect to it ha ha. It seems like I'm not the only one who is surprised at how long it took us to figure it out. XD Fun, short and definitely sweet. UuU*

I'm an indecisive little hoe and I want to see EVERYTHING meaning routes and options for characters with and without certain genitals. Is there a way to toggle on and off or switch the genitals you have to play through both routes? Also in regards to the Futa setting does that mean they have both genitals or just a penis on a women's body? Also, also will some routes become impossible or disappear after certain actions, like will I have a limited time to explore some scenes before I move onto another area?

Yeah seriously, you've worked so hard and long on this and you're still going. That's really amazing.

Hey I was just wonder if I downloaded the game and played it some will the save come through when I download the newest update? Like would I have to start over with every new update?

You're making this all by your self?! That's amazing!!!! It looks so great! It reminds me of night in the woods and oddly enough rachet and clank to  lol. My favorite area by far is China town, I love the color dynamic of the orange and the blue green with obvious Asian influences in design. 

A couple things to note, I did find 2 spelling errors while playing. The first was when you talk to the big triangle robot and right after he re- boots he says something (Can't remember what) and it was misspelled. The second was when you're in china town and you're talking to the robot to use the elevator and you go to the other elevator on the right he says something like "why I'm not surprised" instead of "why am I not surprised"

The other thing is it's super annoying to climb the stairs when you can also walk under them! When you can't walk under the stairs you just automatically walk up them but if you have the ability to go below them you can't just jump onto them at any spot. you have to like walk up to them, jump, and then go up the stairs. Like I would run and jump onto the stairs but go past them completely because I had to be right on the edge of the stairs and jump first. 

I played the first Lust doll and absolutely loved it! I was originally thrown off by the art but it definitely grew on me, not only is the game erotic and sexy but it's genuinely fun. I was surprised at how many things there were that I could do and how many "kinks" you catered to. Going back to the erotic and sexy stuff, I as a female find it basically impossible to find a game that includes lewd stuff that even somewhat caters to women but I was pleasantly surprised by this game! One thing I would like (hopefully this makes since) is an overview of where the game  is now, like what "world" you can make it to. At some points in the 1st game I found myself wondering if the game was over and if there were things left to do, I would like to be able to know how far I can go so if I get stuck I know that it's not just because the game is over. I would also like to know all the....... I'm not sure what to call them, I guess the "sexual experiences" are because I want to be able to experience them all! I'm sure there could just be some type of list that says like these things will happen in these "worlds" and this is how you can activate them. I know in the first game when you toggle the kinks you can see which ones will be included but I didn't know if I was just missing them during the game or they hadn't shown up yet.