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A member registered Jul 28, 2023 · View creator page →

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thx ^_^

Looks like it's really hard to create

I see xd, how did I get into this easter egg?

Honestly, at first I thought it was hack work, and then I realized that the authors were schizophrenics. I don’t understand how I got here, what’s going on???

All this's just awesome.

It's awesome and lamp especially for the first game :p

Guys, assume that it's unreal to do something really difficult with raw c during voting. I as c/c++ developer can confirm this xd

It's not normal :D

Soon we'll do I hope.

It's not normal :D

We didn't have time to complete this feature before the end of the GameJam.
I can tag you when we complete this part of the project.


How to do something at the first location? I don't understand...

There's a field to think a bit, nice main character. It's pretty cool that you painted it by hand :). I think there are too many hiding places (you should remove some) and a lot of bugs :p

First bug:

The animation of climbing's disappearing after you get out from the stairs

Second bug:

The guard doesn't run towards you if you appear at his line sight.

Meow ^ _ ^

I like it, but

Well. perhaps this is not expected behavior?

I'm honestly get bored pretty fast, the idea of projectile bouncing from enemies is cool but impossible to control, so you're shooting randomly.
Also I took wtf moment when realized enemies spawn appear approximately in me, so the player's punished just for playing.
Also buffs affect almost nothing, so I don't understand it.

I caught a Dark Souls flashback... it was cool. Well, I don't like the fact that you didn't utilize all the game features as:
1) You can charge the hop in flight, so your falling may have complex shapes;
2) You can transform in flight that allows you to push the on flight to, for example, shrink yourself for getting into the narrow hole.

Soooo, I'm for the following levels for my additional tears. xD

There's no Linux compatibility, so I can't play this one :(

Please consider this game as demo of most features we managed to do in time. Also I forgot to write that this is dynamical stealth game, so don't want you to stay still for too long. The idea of level is step-by-step education of them. Each guardian, each hideout has its purpose.

Here's the idea of level design, so I advice to try it yourself and don't read the following text before:

The first guardian looks only one direction, but the circle stretches across the entire width of the path, so you should to pass behind him. That's how you'll find out that the circle is not as dangerous as it seems to be.

The second behaves like typical guardian from most stealth games. As well you'll see the hideout on the way of patrol. There's no way other than this to go through him unnoticed. That's how you'll find out that guardians can't see through hideouts.

The third stage checks your understanding of previous rules. You just need to go through sectors of vision of 2 guards.

The fourth stage is the guardian between tables. There's just no way to avoid him, so thus begins "prescripted" chase.

The fifth stage is escape. Here you are to avoid the last guardian and get through the tables as quickly as possible (yeap, it's possible) and at last reach the end of level. That's how you'll find out that level-designer (me) is pretty evil person and that you can run the full course of the game (stealth - escape - stealth)

Стооолькоо текстааа...

Да. Линух пжалстя

Небольшого билда под мою ос нет((