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A member registered Jul 24, 2020

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So I found a few glitches you might need to fix up. First of all you have a wall with no hit boxes (whats up with that!).

You can constantly jump the cubes without ever going down. This is super game breaking and just destroys the fun in the game when you want to play it legit.

You get pushed threw walls when an object slides into you, this left me in an area I didn't want to be in, hence having to restart level.

You can pause the game and walk through doors that should be closed because its no longer activated. (Come on how hard is it to check this stuff).

This game is a game full of bugs (which can be quite annoying at times and just outright game breaking) but overall it's a solid attempt at a game.


3/10 at least it runs.


13 Donuts / 3 Shots of tequila