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Zorko Goat

A member registered Jun 12, 2021

Recent community posts

Why is there no android version of this game

Good job 馃憤 馃憦

Hope you get well soon

I got the update somehow, but I don't remember how lol.

It is still demanding 7.99 to download the update.

It was easy, thank you. BTW, I ment INCEST patch, not Insect patch.... lol

I already did, and I left a nice review as well.

Did you design the styles of pubes, or did you purchase a "kit"?

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It's nice to see someone do a story which is opposite of most, meaning one girl has a bald pussy, whereas most other authors your lucky if one girl has a hairy pussy. My favorite is Olivia, with Violet a very close second btw.

Me as well

Thanks, just never done this before

How do I install the insect patch?

Just don't stress yourself too hard man. Take a break if it is too much. I want the next update as much as anyone, but I don't want it at the price of your mental and physical health my man.

Don't work too hard dude. Remember to take some breaks from the work or it can become too much. Been there done that, so slow down if you need the space man, because as much as I want the next update, I don't want you to do something stupid like that painter who cut off his ear, due to stress.

SS commentsPosted in SS comments
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Not judging, but how about some pubes please on more then one girl. This shaved only is really depressing as I am old school, I'm not looking for a forest, a clean little "soul patch" is fine, as long as it's not just a little landing strip lol. So help a brother out. I suppose the next trend for women will be to shave all of their hair off, including their head.

I do not see the pc version for 3, only linux

I love both of these games! Can't wait hehe

Can't wait

This is the funniest game I have played. You take tongue in cheek to a whole new level, cant wait for the next chapter. I think the guys head is gonna explode though lol