Olsson, I would like to propose a Tech Tree idea. Have you anticipated using a Tech Tree? If I may, I would like to work with one of your team members on that idea. I am a long time programmer. And, I really like how Empyrion: Galactic game does their Tech Tree. You already have a good start on it with your Research Machine. I would just like to plan out a full path of tech from most primitive to advanced. The project is now so new, this area has not been revealed yet. It would be my pleasure to help a bit in this area as I have good experience in this subject.
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The idea I was trying for is program the user action so that I don't drop an item I'm trying to move to another square box that holds stuff. If I release the mouse button to let the item rest in the box, and it doesn't align with the magic alignment and hold, it falls to the ground. Don't allow that to happen. Don't release the item being moved until it snaps into place. Make the area sensitive snap-to larger so it catches into the box easier. Stuff is falling if I don't quite mate with the box. That is simply a snap-to area sensitivity issue. Hope that helps. Try it yourself. As it is, it is way too easy to miss the box and let the item fall to the ground.
The new design and funtionality of the 3D printer is much appreciated. It works perfectly now. I was always dropping items under it when crafting. On that note: could you keep items from dropping once the player has his cursor over the shaded part where the boxes are? Don't allow the item to be released if we are trying to place an item in a spot being hovered over. That is annoying.