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A member registered Feb 17, 2018 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much... It was indeed a difficult thing! Your comments and ratings make it all worthwhile 

Wow, great to hear you ran it on Linux! Did you use wine as it is an exe... Thank you so much for your feedback. Also, please convey to your friends to try the game 

Thank you so much 

Thank you so much for your suggestion, will try to add the score feature soon

Very true. Thank you for your feedback. Vulkan does have its downside that it is a pure graphics API... Will have to include wnmeapi.h or directx audio for music and given the jam time, it was unfeasible 

P.S: The olc soundwave is incompatible without pge use

Hi, have sent you a friend request

(1 edit)

Hi, ping me at Fighto50#0329 (Discord)

I am in need of some good background music...

I am looking for an artist to team up for my game. It must strictly be 2D, as I intend to make the game in Vulkan. I have taken it as a personal challenge! Vulkan is a platform agnostic API to interface with the GPU. It is a low level programming written fully in C++

More information on Vulkan can be found here:

Looking forward to all your replies 😀

Game Off 2021 community · Created a new topic Vulkan!

Hi all,

I plan to make a game in Vulkan. Atleast try,

There will be NO audio, Vulkan is hard enough!

Anyone else put there who plans for the same, we can team up

Hi, I am the developer of T - 2048. Please do not forget to rate the game in the jam page. The rating period is about to close...

Thank you so much for trying my game. Unfortunately monophonic sounds are not supported, I can only play stereo sounds, so I left it...

Yes, indeed... I had to use symbols as the resolution won't allow any fancy numbers. Also, the game was completely made in C++. I would really love this to be a real Nokia game as it has the potential but I am not aware of any SDK for nokia 3310. Guess its a manufacturer secret!

One might try to run it in Qemu though...

I hope you have played 2048 game before... In the black cmd prompt you can see the nos... Use the direction keys to add up nos... 2+2=4, 4+4=8

You cannot add different numbers say 2+4 , 8+32 etc...

Continue till you get 2048... Please google if you need more information about the game...

Thank you so much for your review. Great to know you liked it...

I wished to keep all the artwork programmatically generated as I am personally a programmer as a hobbyist and not an artist. This meant no fancy animation. To add to the challenge of the game, one has to discern the missile type from the altitude variation as it is in a real 1960s radar. Wanted to make it as real as possible.

Regarding, vibration and other stuff, though can be generated through program, requires a lot of time and I would have exceeded the jam time limit. Besides, minimalism is realistic in nature in a radar. Also, the code touched 3000 lines, so I put a stop to it.

Regarding, sprite display, it seems to be a olc game engine glitch, it is working fine on my computer.

I still thank you for trying my game. This is my first olc codejam so, a lot of scope for improvement I guess....

Thank you so much. I am glad you liked the game.

Hi, all. A gentle request from my side to rate the game for all the new people. If there are any bugs, then please let me know!

Tried running it on a different computer. I think there is some other problem. Please try reinstalling the game

Thank you so much for your review. I think I must have missed the sprite while packaging. Cannot update it now. I sincerely hope you enjoyed the game. 

Please do rate the game

A big thanks to all those who downloaded the game. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed making it. Please consider leaving a review or comment if you liked the game!

Please do rate the game

Please do review the game!!!

SG-1000 Jam community · Created a new topic Jam theme

Is there any particular theme?

Thank you

Could you kindly provide us the color pallette R,G,B Values?

Astro-Fire is a minimalistic arcade space shooter with 8 bit audio. You will encounter a swarm of enemy and have to fire from a turret. This game has been made completely in C++. Please do try and rate the game!

Me too. I put a github link in the description. See if you can do the same

Typically, one uses Csharp to make games. However, I made my first ever game in C++. It is Astrofire

Please do play and review the game

Thank you Ludipe,

I am going to program in C++ on Linux. I will try to cross compile it for Windows. Don't know if the headers and libraries will be compatible with windows. Will try my best...

Is a linux executable accepted?