Hey, you have couple of things going on in this one that really set it apart from other Lasers & Feelings games. I like it.
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A friend of mine picked up a copy recently and ran it for a small group so I wanted to post some kudos to the designer and say:
It's a neat game with plenty of fun random generators, a future-dystopian setting that you can take seriously or just have fun with, some mildy crunchy combat that's uses a d20 (but isn't "D20 System" if that makes sense), plenty a bit of inventory management, and some nice artwork.
I'd recommend it for anyone interested in some of that stuff.
Here's an unsolicited review for ya:
To anyone interested, this is an absolutely charming module and well worth picking up. Totally top notch stuff here.
Hey Claymore, I ended up porting this to my own game have run it twice now. I loved how the randomized encounters made things totally different for each group and I appreciated that while the mood of my games was pretty tongue-in-cheek, it could easily be spun into something pretty darn pulpy or even given a serious tone.