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A member registered Apr 14, 2023

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If you click on this link, it should direct you to Mofu's PixivFanbox page, then click the tab that says 制作中のゲーム33.3:

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No problem!👍 By the way, I've deleted my discord account because I'm taking a break from it, but when you do the next big update, I'll start a new discord account and help with translation again if they need fixing. I'm also probably going to comment less here and move over to Pixiv and help when I can. See you at Pixiv!😊

You can download the latest version on PixivFanbox

You can download the latest version on PixivFanbox.

I don't think it necessary to have to make the breast bigger, since there are flat chested women but adding more height to the characters may be beneficial, since some people get confused and think short characters automatically makes them young.

You don't have to apologise for anything Mofu, you've done nothing wrong. It's just unfortunate that there are some crazy, selfish people who would want to ruin others, just because of personal grudges.

Я понимаю! Значит, статуя, которая просит сперму, — это фута-суккуб! Мне не терпится увидеть ее возрожденной и оживленной в будущих обновлениях!🥰

I'm sorry to see you get constantly harassed by this person. They definitely need some help, cause it very irrational and sociopathic behaviour that's not normal or good for their wellbeing. I hope they can get some help, so they can stop these attacks and move on with their life.

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Mofu-san already publishes games on dlsite and DMM, as well as without trouble, so this game definitely won't have any issues releasing on those platforms. The problem is, currently Futakin valley is in a early access beta stage that needs people to test the game, which is what makes this site useful.

They could just do updates to the game on pixivfanbox, like before Mofu started using Itch, but this would most likely mean much less frequent updates on the game.

By the way, you might be able to find the user who may be responsible for these false reports, if you scroll back on the comments section here, a couple weeks ago. This mysterious user happened to make vague claims/accusations just before both the Patreon page, as well Itch got suspended. This user also happened to have made the account around the same time the drama started and 16may61 account was perma-banned here, due to constant harassment (probably an alt account to continue the ongoing abuse). I cannot 100 percent confirm this person is indeed responsible, so I won't post the name here, but if you scroll down a couple weeks ago, you'll find the user.

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The game doesn't contain loli and just because a character is short or flat chested, doesn't make them a loli. There are actual real adults that are short and flat chested and some even have physical disabilities like dwarfism, so I find this somewhat discriminatory to label anyone short as a child.

Games like final fantasy 14 have races of character like Lalafell that are short and flat chested but aren't labelled as child. Same for League of Legends, that contains Yordle race which are also short and flat chested. These characters aren't loli, but instead referred to as shortstack and they're not a problem, just like the characters that are in this game.

It's rather annoying and somewhat hypocritical on Itch and their admins that these false reports are continually happening, when there are actual games on the platform that do include the tag loli and have said content, yet manage to stay on the platform with no accountability.

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It's most likely not a game creator or creative in any way, but more likely a former fan who's just angry at Mofu and trying to harass them by doing false reports that characters look like minors to Itch and other platforms. Then they lie and claim on other sites the game was taken down because of copyright laws (that's not how copyright laws works, especially when Mofu isn't even making any profits yet on the game).

The person claims to have designed a bunch of characters in the game, despite the fact the person doesn't even have the talent to draw them, let alone make a Hentai game themselves. In reality, all they've really contributed were some ideas and really bad/rough drawing at best, which is complete joke that anyone can do and is in no way copyrighted material.

If this was truly a case of copyright infringement, millions of independent or doujinshi artists that make profit over using actual copyrighted characters in Hentai parodies would be out of business, or they'd have to seek approval from big companies to use said characters (no one does this cause it's ridiculous and no big company would approve to see their characters used in such ways). This is not the case though, since even if those characters in Futakin Valley are copyrighted, (they're not) they'd still fall under fair use, as it's still considered it's own unique creation and done in their own style. That's why doujinshi artist can use actual copyrighted characters without approval and make profit without legal repercussion.

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They were, but they had a dispute and now Lipstor has been trying to get revenge by getting the game pulled due to arguing that Mofu has stolen their characters (they didn't steal anything). 16may61 is possibly an alt account of Lipstor trying to pass off as another person who's been harassing Mofu-san on PixivFanbox, as well as this site, for most of this year. Their account got suspended on both sites due to harassment.

If it's has been falsely flagged again, It's most likely got pulled because of 16may61/Lipstor or whoever it is that's still disgruntled with Mofu.

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The game might have been falsely reported again. We'll have to wait and see if Mofu-san is able to restore it again and lift the suspension.

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The game main theme is futa, so all the girls are futa or will become futa.

There will be another cow lady with a redesign in the future. Please be patient until then.

You're welcome!😊

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Person wanted a certain character they suggested to look morbidly obese. Mofu-san put it to a poll to let everyone have a chance at what they want the character to look like and everyone voted for to be thick but not morbidly obese (you can see this character and poll on Mofu's Subscribestar page). This angered them and now they've been harassing Mofu-san for most of this year, including false reports and constantly spamming Mofu's comment section on their PixivFanbox page.

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I assume Mofu-san will be working on the balance of the game frequently until it's in a near complete state, as well as post launch in the future. At the moment, the game still doesn't have proper level designs or minor enemies to fight. 

Right now, the levels are more just test spaces/rooms to test the bosses and make sure certain types of platforms or other things works.

Later when the maps are redesigned and expanded, Nene's will have more truffles to collect, which increases her health. If the game isn't properly balanced to factor in the changes in level designs and collectables, it could potentially throw the balance off completely.

Огромный суккуб-фута?😮звучит очень красиво! Не могу дождаться, чтобы увидеть ее дизайн в будущем!🥰

To find the last in the gallery, bring an empty bottle you get from the statue and talk to bell to ask for her semen.

Just a bug fix

Copied from Devlog:

[ver 0.033.19]

- Fixed a bug that the wall mushrooms were not displayed on Android 64bit version.

Only on Android 64bit version, the wall mushroom was not displayed. This caused a fatal bug because the player could walk out of that room during a battle and be recorded in that state. I apologize for any confusion caused by these bugs🤧

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я также надеюсь, что у нас появится еще один персонаж-суккуб, похожий на нее

Это персонажи, которые изначально планировались для игры, но от них пришлось отказаться из-за преследований со стороны сумасшедшего фаната, заявившего о своих правах на них. Некоторые из этих персонажей, например девушка-корова, будут переработаны и добавлены в будущем.

You're welcome!😁

No problem!😁

Cynthia is the Gnu girl. You can find her the left side of the map

She'll be stuck in the room when you find her. To help her break free and start the fight, find the mushroom dog and give the dog any mushroom to make the dog follow you. Once the dog follows you, take the dog to Cynthia and press the button when the game tells you to start the battle.

不要按下按钮快速游动,因为这会使人失去呼吸并很快被淹死。 使用方向控制让她在水中移动。

You'll need to grab an empty bottle from the statue who asked you to collect semen.

It was falsely reported by a disgruntled fan/stalker who tried to take revenge on Mofu-san

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Mofu-san has stated in the past they intended to let you inspect all the girls like Remy once the full game release is launched. Mofu has also stated you will be able to interact and touch the girls when you inspect them in the future as well.

Copied from Devlog:

ver 0.033.17

- Updated Thai translation.

- Updated Russian translation.

- Added Android 64bit version.

- Improved underwater behavior of the main character.

- Added disclaimer to the logo at startup.

Yes, the quest for the giant mushroom girl isn't complete yet and still in development. Once Mofu-san adds the blue mushroom girl in a future update, you will be able to complete her quest and continue toward the mushroom village.

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I'm glad that things have been sorted for now!😊

Yeah, it's not that hard to put together what happened. They're not the most subtle when it comes to things like this.

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Sorry that you have to deal with such a crazy fan/stalker like Lipstor/16may61 or whatever their name is now. Hopefully they'll drop this harassment and move on, cause at this point it's getting ridiculous and embarrassing. They don't seem to  understand the concept of copyrights laws, cause they think just having an idea means they're the creator and everyone is forbidden without permission to use it, like making a Subscribestar/Patreon page, which is something all artist use to get monetisation for their work. I hope they get some help, cause it's very unhealthy behaviour and they're acting very unhinged and delusional.

At the moment you can collect semen only from those 2 characters. More characters will be added in later updates.

That quest is still under development.

Sounds like you've defeated all the bosses so far.

To get through the big mushroom futa, you'll have to wait for a later update when the blue mushroom girl is added. Once she's added and you've defeated her, you'll complete the big mushroom futa quest and can progress to the mushroom village in a later update.

That's good! Hopefully that'll clear any confusion and there won't be any problems anymore in the future

It's from Pixiv Fanbox

Copied from Devlog:

ver 0.033.15

The following updates have been made in this version since the last one

- Updated French translation

- Updated Vietnamese translation

- Updated Thai translation

- Fixed a bug that caused the animation to stop

ver 0.033.16

- Updated English Translation.

- Updated Chinese translation.

- Fixed a bug that prevented the mushroom boss from starting the battle.