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A member registered Aug 07, 2022

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You can also open the task manager by pressing Ctrl+Shift+Esc ! (the more you know!)

Can confirm, I have a cat who was born paralyzed and when he aged up he retired but his description was "Excellent kitsitter" and he ended up becoming mediator. I've also had blind cats, deaf cats, cats with missing limbs/tails, cats with seizures, etc. all be able to go on patrols. I had a deaf leader once too!

Big shoutout to the artist who made the newborn kitten sprite, it's so cute and I absolutely adore it

Just something I noticed - when multiple cats die in an event during a timeskip, their cause of death in StarClan is listed as "unknown". For example, I had about 8 cats die of eating poisoned prey during a timeskip, and instead of their cause of death being the poisoned prey, it was listed as unknown.

Some of the loner names are great! I got one named Taco Bell the other day lmao

Two questions!
- when cats are lost (taken by twolegs, etc) is there a chance of them ever coming back?

- can cats automatically go to the dark forest upon death, or do you have to manually send them there?

Thanks to the devs for all the hard work, this game is super fun and I've been loving the recent updates!

iirc they're fixing this in the next update!

Some ideas I've been thinking about:
- more options for different patrol encounters. for example, instead of just ignoring or inviting a loner/kittypet into the clan, an option to fight them off would be neat!
- speaking of the loner encounters, it would be nice to know if they have kits with them before we bring them into the clan. like, in my mind, my clan wouldn't bring in some random loner during leafbare, but if they had kits, i think the clan would feel sympathetic and bring them in since the warrior code says to care for kits regardless of clan allegiance.
- an option to exile cats or a random chance to have cats choose to leave the clan if they're unhappy with it
- a toggle to disallow nursing queens from being in the patrol pool
- an option to force incoming loners/kittypets to take a clan name (like when they join just have a "rename cat? yes/no" screen or smth)

I always balance it out by only allowing my cats to proceed with a loner or kittypet joining if the leader or deputy is on that patrol!

(1 edit)

i love this so much! thanks so much for making it!

my one issue is that sometimes the game doesn't alert me on the events page when cats die. this seems to happen most often when cats die of old age. it doesn't always happen, and i can't seem to find any specific cause or trigger. just something you might wanna check out!

ETA; sometimes it doesn't alert me on the events page of other things such as kits being born, apprentices/warriors gaining their new name, etc. i only noticed the lack of death alerts beforehand, but now i've seen more things not getting posted on the events tab