Hello. I am Aleks, darling of the tabletop roleplaying and vaguely sad artsy video game world, and I am having financial difficulties, as is my want and my way.
This time of year is usually rough, partly because the weather and lack of sunlight tend to wreak havoc on my health, and the poor health makes it even more difficult to hustle for scraps, which is what I do most of the year. This delicate spot is where I tend to be most at the mercy of various financial Catch-22 scenarios, wherein a lack of funds prevents me from accessing the very platforms, services, and tools that, under normal circumstances, serve as my primary means of procuring funds.
All that said, I don't usually need much. Right now, I just need to raise some funds to help cover a few bills and allow me to continue working on a few projects that are too early for full on crowdfunding.
So, everything is on sale. All my games (video games, tabletop games, the woiks). All month long. Fiddy percent off! That's right 50% off! And if you're totally new to my work and choose to get the whole bundle, you can save an additional 7 buckaroos and change, as the bundle comes at an additional steep discount.
Forget steam sales and other such big corpo wankery! This is small stuff, weird stuff, punk rock stuff! This month, to keep the lights on, so to speak, I will be YOUR punk rock baby, and I am ready to shout out with boundless love!
Includes the following items: