For the holiday season why not support an indie creator and help fund future projects!
Every cent that goes into my games pays for the costs of the previous project and costs for thr next project. This is currently a part-time passion that I think about nearly full-time. Which is to say it isnt my day job. Every game I make is built on the seed of an idea that is memorable and enjoyable and/or meaningful to me.
In this sale is PIZZA IMP(PASTA) for some fun, and Transient Nature for a different sort of vibe.
The price is increased by 25% for the sale and they are already very cheap games. As I am the creator I am pretty biased, though I will say that I pack as much value in them as possible. That value comes from my time and effort and the very noticeable inclusion of the amazing illustrations from my friends and collaborators. They are always paid out of pocket and are deserving of your support.
Respectively that is Fonda Yvonne and Jess Loya.
Happy Holidays, everyone.
Includes the following games: