My games will be available for 30% off for a while! ^_^
You can also purchase the full bundle and get my 20+ year catalogue of games for just $29.99! That includes:
My platformer games
Aeon Datablade / イオンデータブレード
Iridescent Crown / 虹色の王冠
Eden's Prison / エデンの牢獄
My horror games
Enoch Never Dies / エノクは 決して死なない
Deadman's Dark Scenery Court / デッドマンズ・ダーク・シーン・コート
My arcade games
Seraphim Automata / セラフィム オートマトン
Cosmic Zephyr DX / 宇宙の風DX
A Starspangled Zephyr / 星条旗の風
Go check out my music bundle too! Enjoy! xoxo
Includes the following games: