It’s difficult enough to find the time to breathe, the money to eat, and keep your house. Forget about making it warm. Everyone should have access to art. Regardless of their circumstances. Telling stories, expressing our innermost fears and desires, connecting through marks on a page, these are the most human things around. They're messy, they're flawed, divisive, ugly, beautiful, and that's what makes them art.
Capital has no place in the arts. The fists with the most money trapped in their grasp want to crush the world under it.
Beyond Bringers is many things, one of them being an unrepentant critique of capitalism. When the blistering heat of the changing world presses your back to the wall, the only thing that can save you is your own humanity, your spirit, your will to go on.
So I have made my weird art free until Monday, January 20th at 11:59PM EST
Make your weird, horny, completely unmarketable, art. It’s an endangered species and only you can protect it. Collect it. Love it. Make it. Share it. Don’t let anyone take your humanity from you.
Everything you collect on is DRM free. That means no one can take it away from you once you acquire it. These epubs/pdfs are yours to read until the end of time.
Don’t give up.