Maybe it's a bug or coding prob but I can't enable Seth romance Route nor hang out with him. It hadn't release or it's my downloading prob?
Nope, I just never finished writing it! It is rather intense, emotionally, because it deals with darker issues like substance abuse and CPTSD. Which sort of made me realize that I'm similar and, well, I'm going to a therapist now so that's good. I'm healing and improving so I hope to writing again soon. :) Thanks for checking in.
Oh my.. I'm so sorry for that, I really wish that you will get well soon. On the other side Rock Robin is so freaking AMAZINGGG!!! You're a incredible author. The whole story got me through different kind of emotion and not gonna lie, I'm impress with how our mc deals with Sterling the most till now. The musics are also perfect, despite of some random bugs occur. My English just too poor to describe how much I love this game. I have been played it nonstop till now, this game just got me so baddddd. It played me with all those emotional scenes =))))). Anyway you should focus on your heath first, the other and fans like me can wait forever for the next updating. Love you, stay safe and healthy <3<3<3